
contractility n.收縮性;收縮力。


The author excogitated a kind of appropriative mud jacking material which is made up of cement , sand , fly ash , admixture and water . this material which was developed on the basis of large amount of tests has the proprieties of good self - flowing density , high earlier strength , non - segregation , non - weepage and non - contractility . especially , the author aim at dealing with pumping mud and earlier maintained developed a kind of high flow grade material which can meet the requirement of mud jacking 本文研制了專用壓漿材料,采用水泥、砂、粉煤灰、外加劑和水混拌而成,通過大量實驗配制出的漿液具有自流淌密實性好、早期強度高、無離析、無泌水、無收縮的性能,特別是針對路面唧泥處理或預防性養護,板底脫空量較小,研制出高流動度材料,能滿足壓漿施工的需要。

Phenolic foam is a new generation heat preservation prevent fire soundproof material and polystyrene together ammonia ester foaming rubber etc , material to compare , and it is good that its biggest characteristics is a heat - proofound the low temperature contractility is smatt , and have te special prevent burning wit the size stability under 2000 heat , not burning , not melt not contract constant form not poisonous spirit hove no thick smoke , just surface formation layer 酚醛泡沫為新一代保溫防火隔音材料與聚苯乙烯聚氨脂發泡橡膠比,其最大特點是耐熱性好,低溫收縮性小,具有獨特的阻燃和尺寸穩定性,在焊槍火焰下,不燃燒不收縮不變形,無毒氣無濃煙,只是表面炭化,性質穩定,耐化學腐蝕抗老化。

Exercise could lead to remodeling of icn , of which normal exercise load might lead to proportional increase of cardiac and icn , adapting oneself ot transmit of contractility between myocardial bundles and cardiac muscle cell ( cmc ) under conditions of myocardial hypertrophy ; and exercise overload might lead to increase of a large number of different collagen among myocardial bundles , cmc , arteriole and capillary , that could lead to increase of stiffness and descent of systolic and diastolic function of heart 運動可引起心肌間質膠原網絡結構的重塑,一般運動負荷可使心肌與間質膠原網絡同步增長,以適應心肌細胞肥大收縮力增加從而保證肌束間及心肌細胞間力的傳遞;運動超負荷可使心肌束間、心肌細胞間以及小動脈和毛細血管間不同類型膠原大量蓄積增生,導致心臟的僵硬度增加,舒縮功能降低。

According to each ingredients ( water retaining admixture , polymer , inorganic mineral ) “ effect to mortar ' s behaviors ( water relentivity , strength , contractility ) in exclusive mortar “ s composite addition , the text defines each ingredient ' s quantity scope , then define the mix through cross experiment . we compared the aac exclusive mortar ' s behaviors such as water relentivity , compressive strength , binding strength , shrinkage , flexural strength and others to ordinary mortar ' s ones , it turn out to be that there is much improve in former ' s behaviors such as water relentivity , compressive strength , binding strength , shrinkage , flexural strength etc , it also shows that the aac exclusive mortar can improve the crack in aac brick walling to a certain degree 并根據專用砂漿中復合外加劑的各個組分(保水劑、聚合物、無機礦物等)對砂漿主要性能(保水性、強度、收縮性、抗彎性等)的影響來確定每個組分的摻量范圍,再通過正交實驗確定最佳配合比,然后就普通砂漿與專用砂漿的保水性、抗壓強度和粘結強度、收縮值、抗彎曲性能以及其它性能進行了對比,對比結果表明專用砂漿的保水性、抗壓強度和粘結強度、收縮值、抗彎曲性能以及其它性能較普通砂漿都有了很大的提高,說明加氣混凝土砌塊專用砂漿在一定程度上可以改善加氣混凝土砌塊墻體的開裂情況。

Conventional building - mortar is usually blent into in the construction local , which possesses many defects such as low accuracy of mixture ratio , poor stability of quality , contractility of bigness , broad fluctuation of felted strength , anti - penetrability of feebleness , collapse of easiness and ect , and it is vital reason , resulting in lots of engineering quality accidents as following : crack in the wall , swelling , penetration , and collapse . mortar made in the local is at the cost of wasting materials and contaminating environment 傳統的建筑砂漿都是在施工現場拌制,現場拌制的砂漿各組分計量準確度低、質量穩定性差、收縮性大、粘結強度波動大、抗滲性差、易剝落,是建筑工程墻面開裂、起殼、滲漏、甚至墻體倒塌等質量事故發生的主要原因;現場拌制砂漿還會造成材料浪費和污染施工環境。

Intravenous medication pumps allow the nursing staff to titrate medications ; foley catheters and urine collection bags aid in monitoring urine output ; sequential compression devices squeeze the lower extremities and reduce the incidence of deep venous thrombosis ; transvenous pacemakers stimulate the patient ' s heart to beat ; dialysis machines remove fluid and correct electrolyte and acid - base disturbances ; intraaortic balloon pumps assist the heart ' s contractility ; and neurologic monitoring systems measure intracranial pressure 靜脈內給藥泵由普通護士用于滴定藥物;弗利氏導管和集尿袋幫助監測排尿量;連續壓迫裝置擠壓下肢,減少深部靜脈血栓形成;經靜脈起搏器刺激病人心臟跳動;透析儀除去液體,糾正電解質和酸堿紊亂;主動脈內氣囊泵支持心臟收縮;神經病學監測系統測定顱內壓。

Phenolic foam is a new generation heat preservation prevent fire soundproof material and polystyrene together ammonia ester foaming rubber etc , material to compare , and it is good that its biggest characteristics is a heat - proofound the low temperature contractility is smatt , and have te special prevent burning wit the size stability under 2000 heat , not burning , not melt not contract constant form not poisonous spirit hove no thick smoke , just surface formation layer 信息內容:酚醛泡沫為新一代保溫防火隔音材料與聚苯乙烯聚氨脂發泡橡膠比,其最大特點是耐熱性好,低溫收縮性小,具有獨特的阻燃和尺寸穩定性,在焊槍火焰下,不燃燒不收縮不變形,無毒氣無濃煙,只是表面炭化,性質穩定,耐化學腐蝕抗老化。

Other common devicesintravenous medication pumps allow the nursing staff to titrate medications ; foley catheters and urine collection bags aid in monitoring urine output ; sequential compression devices squeeze the lower extremities and reduce the incidence of deep venous thrombosis ; transvenous pacemakers stimulate the patient ' s heart to beat ; dialysis machines remove fluid and correct electrolyte and acid - base disturbances ; intraaortic balloon pumps assist the heart ' s contractility ; and neurologic monitoring systems measure intracranial pressure 其他常用裝置靜脈內給藥泵由普通護士用于滴定藥物;弗利氏導管和集尿袋幫助監測排尿量;連續壓迫裝置擠壓下肢,減少深部靜脈血栓形成;經靜脈起搏器刺激病人心臟跳動;透析儀除去液體,糾正電解質和酸堿紊亂;主動脈內氣囊泵支持心臟收縮;神經病學監測系統測定顱內壓。

In the past , to obtain information of the contractility of the heart , the physiological function and the anatomy of coronary arteries need different imaging modalities , including echocardiogram , transoesophageal echocardiography , nuclear medicine and conventional angiography 以往要檢查心臟肌肉的運動、心臟的功能、冠心狀動脈、必須進行多項不同的檢查,包括超聲波掃描、核子掃描及血管造影。

As far as the economy cycle , we should improve the occasion and take advantage of the contractility of it , in an allowable range , to help the economy system reach its fixed goals 對于經濟周期,則應該因勢利導,在允許幅度內,利用經濟周期的伸縮力,使經濟系統跟蹤既定的目標。

Development of a multi - athletes heart sound signal telemetry system with simultaneously sampling of cardiac contractility and heart rate 同時采集多名運動員心力和心率的心音信號遙測系統的研制

Clinical observation on the influence of sini decoction on cardiac contractility in coronary heart disease patients with angina pectoris 利水通絡方藥治療急性腦梗死120例臨床觀察

After aerobic training , the contractility of left ventricles is increased . therefore , the stroke volume is increased 有氧訓練能增加左心室之收縮能力,因此能增加心縮排血量。

Effect of tea polyphenols on the contractility of isolated rat - tail artery ring 茶多酚對離體大鼠尾動脈血管環收縮性能的作用

A reduction in right ventricular contractility is an unusual cause for impaired emptying of the systemic venous reservoir . 右心室收縮性的減弱不是引起體靜脈血液貯存排空障礙的常見原因。

The term inotropic is commonly used in discussing changes in myocardial contractility . 變力性一詞通常用來描述心肌收縮性的變化。