
contractible adj.會縮的,可縮的。


Another direct take market as beginning point move to corporation , under this case , it , basing on the analysis on the optima ] number of business partners , argue that the forming of vc is the sharing result of transaction cost and incentive of non - contractible investment . at the last , base on the analysis mentioned above , and combining with the cases about clothing enterprise in wenzhou city of zhejiang province , it make suggestions to sems on what is the key factor to set up vc 另?個方向是以市場為起點,向企業方向發展,從這個角度本義以企業合作的最佳合作數量為研究對象,通過分析企業間協調成一本的以及參加虛擬企業的激勵因索,提出虛擬企業的形成是交易成本和對商業伙伴的非和約投資進行激勵兩種因素共同作用的結果。最后,本文價:前} fll章節的從礎卜,結合筆一者在溫州對企業調研的案例,對中小企業運用虛擬企業這種組織形式提出建議。

On the basis of all the conclusions above , the thesis preparatorily advances that there is another factor of link transaction behavior affecting vertical relationship , and gives primary definition of relative concepts . the thesis advances that link transaction behavior can be classified into priority transaction , information informing , risk co - affording . in order to form effective vertical transaction relationship , the transaction parties will positively process link transation behavior , including transforming incontractible variants into contractible variants or analogously contractible variants 在此基礎上,本論文初步提出影響縱向關系的因素應該包括關系交易行為這一重要變量,并對關系交易行為和關系交易行為的相關概念作出初步的定義,初步提出企業的關系交易行為可以分為交易優先、信息告知、風險共擔三類,并在此基礎上初步分析其中的機理,并根據分析結果提出,當事人交易的過程是不斷提升關系的強度的過程,為了形成有效的縱向交易行為,當事人會主動進行信息告知等關系交易行為,通過把不可寫入合同的變量轉化為可以寫入合同或者可證實的變量來獲得有效交易。

Contractible income gap , still should advocate improve efficiency through competing , allocate in on emphasize competing , allocate in 2 on pay attention to fairness , solve problem of polarization of social member distribution of personal incomes with this , 12 central files already were reflected somewhat in this respect 縮小收入差距,仍要提倡通過競爭提高效率,在一次分配上強調競爭,在二次分配上注重公平,以此解決社會成員個人收入分配兩極分化問題,中心12號文件在這方面已有所體現。

Semimetal non - asbestos environmental protection automobile brake shoe with stable friction indexes , contractible heat fade , excellent performance in high temperature , strong friction resistance , long working life and stable brake , small noise , fine energy absorption , no asbestos , no pollution , ect characteristics . complied with international standard , it s a ideal brake article for users 本公司研制生產的半金屬無石棉環保型汽車剎車片,具有摩擦系數穩定,熱衰退縮小,高溫段穩定性能好,耐磨性強,使用壽命長,制動平穩,制動時噪音小,能量吸收效果好,無石棉,對環保無污染等特點,符合國際規范,是廣大用戶的理想的剎車制品。

The expert points out : what chinese myopic incidence of a disease rises is fast , the influence occupational of talent of chinese high quality is chosen , of personnel of contractible not little special profession choose limits 專家指出:中國近視發病率上升之快,將影響中國高素質人才職業的篩選,縮小不少非凡職業人員的選取范圍。

The patient that american scientist has lung cancer , colonic cancer , cancer of the stomach respectively to 21 undertakes heating up cure , result patient tumour is contractible , put current to be lengthened apparently 人的雙足是運行氣血、聯絡臟腑、溝通內外、貫穿上下十二經絡的重要起始部位。

Its purpose is for contractible retiree of basic annuities difference , assure the basic life after low income worker retires 其目的是為了縮小退休人員基本養老金的差距,保證低收入職工退休后的基本生活。

Effect of cadmium on blood pressure and contractible activity of isolated aotic muscle in rabbits 鎘對兔血壓和離體主動脈平滑肌張力的影響

The existence theorem of contractible edges in h - connected graphs 關于圖的孤立韌度與分數因子存在性的若干結果