
contraceptive adj.避孕(用)的。n.避孕藥物[用品]。


Scientists hope that trials of the new male contraceptive could begin within the next few years 科學家希望在接下來的幾年內能進行該男性避孕藥的臨床實驗。

Analysis of contraceptive knowledge level and influencing factors among reproductive women in shandong province 育齡婦女避孕知識知曉率調查及影響因素分析

Reusable rubber contraceptive diaphragms - determination of deterioration after accelerated ageing 可重復使用的橡膠避孕工具.第6部分:加速老化后的變質測定

Analysis of contraceptive knowledge and practice among female migrants of reproductive age in shanghai 上海市流動人口中育齡婦女避孕知識及避孕狀況調查

They were asked about injuries , their jobs , smoking and use of contraceptive hormones 研究人員還詢問她們的受傷、工作、吸煙和使用避孕激素的情況。

They were asked about injuries , their jobs , smoking and use of contraceptive hormones 研究人員還詢問她們的受傷工作吸煙和使用避孕激素的情況。

Contraceptive use behavior among never married young women who are seeking pregnancy termination in beijing 北京市未婚女青年避孕行為的調查研究

An intrauterine device , but i ' m told the pill is more effective than other contraceptives 放過避孕環,但我聽說口服避孕藥比其它方法更有效。

The three - stage strategies to introduce new contraceptive methods thchn into family planning programmes 引入新型避孕藥具的三階段研究策略

Diarrhoea may also reduce the efficacy of certain medications such as oral contraceptives 腹瀉也會減弱某些藥物,如口服避孕藥,的藥效。

Effects of three kinds of oral contraceptives on thyroid axis hormone of female athletes 三種口服避孕藥對女運動員部分甲狀腺軸激素的影響

Contraceptive effect and development of levonorgestrel - releasing intrauterine system 緩釋左炔諾孕酮宮內纖維置入系統的避孕與治療進展

Reusable rubber contraceptive diaphragms - classification , sampling and requirements 可重復使用的橡膠避孕工具.第1部分:分類取樣和要求

The first known contraceptive was crocodile dung , used by egyptians in 2000 b . c 最早的避孕藥是鱷魚的糞便,公元前2000年埃及人使用過。

Analysis of intrauterine contraceptive device with transvaginal three - diamensional ultrasound 應用經陰道三維超聲檢查宮內節育器分析

Dystopic contraceptive device through uterus to bladder companying with bulky calculus : case report 避孕環異位膀胱繼發巨大結石1例

Situation and trend of contraceptive use among reproductive aged women in china 中國已婚育齡婦女避孕方法使用現狀及發展變化趨向一

Recent advances of clinical application of female contraceptives contained steroid hormones 女用甾體激素避孕藥的臨床應用研究進展

Clinical effective observation on low dose mifepristone as an emergency contraceptive 低劑量米非司酮作為緊急避孕藥的臨床效果觀察