
contraception n.避孕(法)。


All forms of forced abortion are resolutely opposed . artificial abortion , only as a remedy for contraception failure , is performed on a voluntary basis and with guarantee of safety 政府堅決反對任何形式的強制墮胎,人工流產也只是作為避孕失敗的補救措施,在自愿和安全可靠的條件下進行。

And to liability share it appears the trend of male sharing contraception liability , but current service resource and criterion still restrict the extent of male participation 在兩性共同責任分擔方面,男性分擔避孕生育責任的趨勢開始出現,但現有服務資源與規范仍制約著男性參與的程度。

Under the polical pressure , fda recently disapproved over - the - counter sales of emergency contraception , which is to say emergency contraception are to be through prescription only 美國醫藥局fda迫于政治壓力禁止緊急避孕藥的銷售,也就是說只有憑醫生的處方才可以拿到緊急避孕藥。

The course also involves the student in the wider aspects of reproduction , such as prenatal diagnosis , in vitro fertilization , abortion , menopause , and contraception 本課程同時也帶領學生進入與生殖相關更深的層面,諸如產前診斷、試管授精、流產、停經,與避孕等探討。

The spokesman stressed that using iucd is a very effective and safe method of contraception . it carries uncommon complications such as expulsion and pelvic infection 發言人強調,使用子宮環是一種安全及有效的避孕方法,極少機會導致子宮環被排出及骨盤感染等問題。

Alpha was still having her menstrual cycle but showed possible perimenopausal symptoms . she was not placed on contraception , given the very low probability of conceiving at her age 最終,研究人員也沒有對它采取避孕措施,因為以它的年齡,懷孕的幾率已非常小了。

It called for all children to be taught about the importance of contraception in their last year at primary school , when they are 10 or 11 years old 研究所呼吁,應對10歲或11歲的孩子,也就是在孩子們上小學最后一年時,開始宣傳安全性行為的重要性。

China has also made quite a number of important achievements in research of female contraception techniques , some of which have been extensively used in china and abroad 女性節育技術研究取得了不少重要的研究成果,有的已在國內外廣泛應用。

Since its introduction in the early 1960s , more than 300 million women are thought to have used oral contraception , often for prolonged periods 自從60年代早期口服避孕藥引進后,超過3億婦女被認為服用過口服避孕藥,其中大部分為長期服用。

In recent years , the researches indicate that the development of a vaccine based on sperm antigens represent a promising approach for contraception 以精子睪丸抗原為靶抗原的免疫性避孕疫苗因可能適用于兩性,一直受到研究者的青睞。

A program to regulate the number and spacing of children in a family through the practice of contraception or other methods of birth control 計劃生育:通過避孕或其它控制生育的方法來控制每個家庭孩子的數量和間隔的計劃。

I want to tell you a terrific story about oral contraception . i asked this girl to sleep with me and she said “ no ” 我跟你說口腔避孕法的好笑故事。我要求那位女生跟我敦倫,她一口回絕。 (與其空言,不如動作。 )

The state creates conditions to guarantee that the citizens have knowledge of and choose safe , effective and appropriate contraception measures 國家創造條件,保障公民知情選擇安全、有效、適宜的避孕節育措施。

An investigation about the cognition and requirement of the married men and women about the informed choice of contraception in longhu district 汕頭市龍湖區已婚人群避孕節育知情選擇認知和需求調查

It pays for hundreds of projects , from demobilising gunmen in burundi to , yes , promoting contraception in madagascar 它負擔著數百項的計劃,從解除布隆迪持槍歹徒武裝到促進馬達加斯加的避孕方法。

Establishing supply plan of contraception and contraceptive , to be in charge of organize the source of goods and ensuring the prompt supply 編制避孕藥具供應計劃,負責組織貨源,保證及時供給。

World - wide , in spite of the more frequent use of contraception , women are still undergoing a great number of abortions 在全世界,婦女除了更頻繁地使用避孕手段以外,她們仍然正在遭受大量流產。

A clinical comparative observation among copper iud lower dose mifepristone and levonoregestrel for emergency contraception 小劑量米非司酮與單方左炔諾孕酮用于緊急避孕的臨床比較觀察

More than 300 million women are thought to have taken oral contraception since its introduction in the early 1960s 自從20世紀60年代早期避孕藥問世以來,多于300萬的婦女服用避孕藥。