
contraband n.1.非法買賣[運輸];走私。2.(戰時)禁運品(=c...


He had scarcely been a week at leghorn before the hold of his vessel was filled with printed muslins , contraband cottons , english powder , and tobacco on which the excise had forgotten to put its mark 船長一向總是惜時如金,他在里窩那停靠了不到一星期,他的船上已裝滿了印花紗布,禁止出口的棉花,英國火藥和專賣局忘記蓋上印的煙草。

Police have so far arrested 70 persons and seized over $ 500 , 000 worth of dutiable goods including contraband cigarettes and marked oil in an anti - triad operation in yuen long which commenced on june 27 警方由六月二十七日起在元朗展開一項反三合會行動,拘捕七十人及檢獲總值五十萬元的未完稅貨物,包括私煙及非法紅油。

Police , together with customs and excise department , arrested three men following the seizure of suspected contraband cigarettes and illicit petrol in a 12 - hour operation in kwai chung today ( august 27 ) 警方與海關今日(八月二十七日)于一項十二小時的聯合行動中,在葵涌拘捕三名男子,并檢獲非法香煙及燃油。

In the meantime . my dear lucien , here are cigars - contraband , of course - try them , and persuade the minister to sell us such instead of poisoning us with cabbage leaves . 現在,我親愛的呂西安,這兒有雪茄煙,當然是違禁品嘍,試試看,能否勸勸部長,請他答應賣這種貨給我們吧,別再拿椰果葉來毒害我們了。 ”

The marine police and the customs and excise department seized $ 5 million worth of suspected contraband goods off black point in tuen mun in a joint operation mounted yesterday ( november 4 ) 水警及海關昨日(十一月四日)進行一項聯合行動,在屯門爛角咀對開海面檢獲總值約五百萬元懷疑走私貨。

The operation targeted illicit activities which included triad recruitment , trafficking in dangerous drugs , sale of contraband cigarettes , possession of offensive weapons and hawker extortion 行動針對的非法活動包括招收三合會會員、販毒、售賣未完稅香煙、藏有攻擊性武器及勒索小販等。

Amato himself has used such data to determine the origins of contraband cainian skins destined for fashion items and to identify bushmeat confiscated by u . s . customs officials 阿馬托本人也運用這些數據來確認用于時尚飾品的違禁寬吻鱷魚的來源和被海關人員沒收的小動物的來源。

In the operation , a quantity of goods worth about $ 230 , 000 were seized , including contraband cigarettes , marked oil , pirateobscene vcds and money seized in illegal gambling 行動中,警方檢獲約值二十三萬元的物品,包括私煙、非法紅油、盜版色情光碟及涉及非法賭博的現金。

“ we will continue to gather intelligence from all sources to combat the illegal import and storage of fireworks and to seize the contraband and prosecute offenders , “ he said 我們將多方面收集情報,堵截非法煙花爆竹流入本港,搜查非法儲存的煙花爆竹,并檢控違例人士。

Article 7 . property obtained and contraband seized through acts violating the administration of public security shall be returned to the owner or confiscated according to relevant provisions 第七條違反治安管理所得的財物和查獲的違禁品,依照規定退回原主或者沒收。

The marine police and the customs and excise department seized $ 50 million worth of suspected contraband goods off black point in a joint operation mounted on may 22 水警及海關于五月二十二日的一項聯合行動中,于爛角咀對開海面檢獲總值約五千萬元懷疑走私貨。

Although the level of sales of contraband cigarettes varies between markets , large - scale smuggling of cigarettes has some common features throughout the world 雖然走私香煙的銷售水平因市場而異,大規模的香煙走私活動在世界范圍內仍然有一些共同的特征。

The ship may carry contraband , explosives , munitions , warlike stores , hazardous cargo , and may sail armed or unarmed and with or without convoy 船舶可運載違禁品、爆炸物品、軍火、軍用物資、危險品,且可武裝或非武裝航行,使用或不使用護航。

“ why , “ replied he , “ i think it just possible dant s may have been detected with some trifling article on board ship considered here as contraband . “我想, ”騰格拉爾說, “可能是唐太斯在船上被搜出了什么被認為是違禁品的小東西吧。 ”

Gangqiu , steel processing and marketing training ; mineral products , steel , and chemical products ( except contraband crisis ) , mechanical accessories sales 鋼球、鋼鍛加工銷售;礦產品、鋼材、化工產品(危禁品除外) 、機械配件銷售。

In conjunction with customs and excise , a considerable amount of contraband concealed in mainland bound container shipments was also seized on land 另一方面,總區亦聯同海關檢獲大量收藏于岸上、準備用貨柜運往內地的違禁品。

With counterparts in china , they attempt ceaselessly to stem a lucrative two - way flow of contraband and smuggled goods 他們聯同中國的公安人員,日以繼夜地試圖遏止偷運利潤豐厚的違禁品和走私貨往來兩地的非法活動。

They are looking for contraband , undeclared goods , and people , including terrorists , trying to enter the country illegally 他們在找尋那些想要通過非法手段進入美國的違禁品,不明物體和人員,當然包括恐怖分子。

The other 57 persons nabbed in the operation were found involved in illegal gambling , pirated activities and selling contraband cigarettes 其馀五十七人則涉嫌參與非法賭博、盜版活動及販賣未完稅香煙而被捕。