
contra n.1.反對(意見),反對票。2.【會計】對方〔尤指貸方...


The contra - rotating axial local fan can be used extensively in the large digging face and long distance ventilation in the mine 該通風機可廣泛應用于礦井大斷面、長距離掘進巷道和具有有害氣體及需要大風量的工作場所通風。

Bush allowed the escape of a convicted terrorist from prison to go to work for him as an undercover cia asset in iran - contra 布什把一名恐怖分子罪犯從監獄放出來,并讓他在伊朗反政府組織里為cia從事秘密工作。

The minimum requirements for assets ( net of contra items ) and public deposits are $ 4 billion and $ 3 billion , respectively 有關資產(減去對銷項目后的凈值)及公眾存款的最低要求,則分別為40億元及30億元。

Thereare contra - indications . you should not take orlistat if you are notoverweight or if you cannot absorb food properly , according to the fda Fda介紹了奧利司他的禁忌癥,不超重和吸收不良的人禁用該藥。

Ronald reagan and bill clinton had to deal with the fallout from iran - contra and monica lewinsky respectively 而羅納德?里根和比爾?克林頓則分別要處理“伊朗門”和莫尼卡?萊溫斯基所帶來的后果。

Bush is personal friends with a close associate of these convicted terrorists , who was also a participant in iran contra 布什是這兩個恐怖分子合伙人的密友,該合伙人也是伊朗反政府組織成員。

Coordinate and resolve with gsp on contra settlement issues and with airfreight customers on billing and collection issues 協調和解決gsp的對應結算帳目和空運客戶處理應收帳單與付款的事項。

9 one suit of contra - variant bias pressure and three - way contra - variant arc electric powers , 60 100 arc sources are all suitable 9一套逆變偏壓和三路逆變弧電源, 60和100兩種弧源通用

He was also directly linked with the iran - contra affair according to government records and herrmann ' s own testimony 根據政府報告和他自己的證詞,他和反伊朗事件有著直接聯系。

9 one suit of contra - variant bias power and four contra - variant arc power supply , 60 100 arc sources are all suitable 9一套逆變偏壓和4個逆變弧電源, 60和100兩種弧源通用

The present reform has already arrived in the key time , is also contra to easily change of all change 現在改革已經到了這樣一個關鍵時期,也就是相對容易改的都改了。

Even oliver north , mr reagan ' s chief contra warrior , dropped in to campaign against his old nemesis 就連里根手下的戰斗英雄奧利弗?諾斯也加入進來游說反對他的老仇人。

Man might think that few women fit him before his mar * age , and contra * ly when they get mar * ed 男人在結婚前覺得適合自己的女人很少,結婚后覺得適合自己的女人很多。

Contra - flow bus lanes are lanes that operate on one - way roads in the opposite direction to the normal traffic flow 反向巴士設在單程路上,供巴士朝相反方向行駛。

A contra revenue account for goods or products sold but subsequently returned by the customer 凡已售出之商品或產品,因顧客退回而未能獲得之銷貨價款皆屬之。

As an asset class , commodities can run contra - cyclical to asset groups such as stocks and bonds 作為一種資產,商品能夠作為股票和債券資產組合的周期對沖。

A contra revenue account for reduction in the selling price of goods or products sold 凡出售商品或產品,因給予顧客讓價而未能獲得之銷貨價款皆屬之。

Ngau tau kok fifth street will adopt contra flow so as to provide a temporary kwun tong road 介乎牛頭角第五街及彩云道的一段觀塘道西行路段將臨時封閉

Vietnam , watergate and even iran - contra were not a part of our direct political memory 越南、水門事件甚至反對伊朗都不是我們直接政治記憶的一部分。