
contour map 等高線(地)圖,曲線地圖。

contour planting

For problems whose objective function or constraint functions have sharp curves on their contour maps ( such as the rosenbrock ' s function which has banana shape contours ) , monotonicity may cause a series of very small steps , causing a huge number of iteration to reach their solutions . by using the nonmonotone technique , we get the sequence of successful interative point which should make the objective function mono - tonically decreasing . hence , we use both trust region strategy and line search technique and make each iterate generate an acceptable trial step in interior feasible set as next interative point 我們利用非單調技術得到使目標函數非單調下降的迭代點,因為非單調克服高度非線性化函數的求解問題,從而避免了只使用單調搜索在“峽谷”現象局部最優解被卡的情況,我們用信賴域策略和非單調線搜索技術相結合的方法,使算法產生的迭代步落在可行域內點,同時又在信賴域內滿足接受準則。

The calibration of flow model is acceptable with average rms of 0 . 7m , residual mean of - 0 . 045 m , average absolute mean error of 0 . 1 m and normalized rms value of 2 . 3 % . the contour map of the simulated heads , elaborated acceptable model calibration compared to observed heads map 模型結果中,均方差為0 . 7m ,平均誤差為- 0 . 045m ,平均絕對誤差為0 . 1m ,標準均方差為2 . 3 ,模擬地下水流場與實際觀測地下水流場基本一致,說明所建立的數值模型符合該地區的實際水文地質條件。

Experimentally , the plasma produced by cable plasma gun ( c - gun ) and dense plasma focus ( dpf ) was measured by the laser differential interferometer system . the clear interference patterns were acquired at different time . the contour maps of line integral density and curves of radial local density at different height above nozzle were presented 實驗上,對等離子體斷路開關中的電纜等離子體槍( c - gun )和等離子體焦點裝置( dpf )產生的等離子體進行了測量,獲得了對應不同時刻的清晰的干涉圖像,給出了線積分密度等值線圖和距噴口不同高度處的徑向密度分布。

In the last six years , geographic information systems have been developed and databases were created . this year project was tried to develop a new engineering management information system and to create 5 meters contour maps for the national park in addition to existing 25 meters contour maps 過去六年完成雪霸國家公園地理資訊系統之建立研究計畫,已建置資料庫含比例尺五萬分之一地圖、環境敏感區及潛在災害分布圖、比例尺五千分之一地圖。

Then all of these features were used to taihu lake water pollution analysis . and a kind of contour map representing pollution degree was obtained , by which it can be known about the pollution situation of whole water area 并用此方法對太湖水污染情況進行分析,給出了一種污染指數的定義,計算出污染程度等高線,據此等高線圖可以從宏觀上了解整個水域的污染情況。

A series of contour maps showing the consecutive monthly values of a certain parameter is a useful way of illustrating gradual seasonal water quality changes in different water bodies 例如以一系列等高線圖列出每月某項參數的數值,顯示各水體的季節性變化。

The instrument can automatically accomplish the measurement of 3 - d river bed topography , the display of three dimension topography and the drawing of contour map 系統能自動完成三維地形測量、斷面圖形顯示、等高圖和三維地形圖的繪制。

Apart from using traditional graphs showing changes in water quality over time , the epd also uses colour contour maps as a powerful presentation tool 除了采用圖表顯示水質變化趨勢,環保署亦利用彩色等高線地圖列示數據的變化。

The rubbing fault of a slow - varying rotor system is diagnosed by means of a wavelet time - frequency contour map and good results have been achieved 利用小波時頻等高圖來診斷質量慢變轉子系統碰摩故障,取得了比較好的效果。

A digital contour map is used for terrain representation of computer generated forces ( cgf ) in distributed interactive simulation ( dis ) 摘要采用等高線地圖作為分布交互仿真環境中計算機生成兵力的地域表示。

After common contour map data is studied and analyzed deeply , a complementary watermarking algorithm is proposed 本文在對地形圖數據特征進行深入研究分析的基礎上,提出了一種互補水印算法。

This article brings a new kind of arithmetic for contour height automation annotation in contour map 提出了一種新的等高線高程自動注記算法。

Contour map of light 配光曲線

Structure contour map 構造等高線圖

Extracting terrain features from contour maps based on united - delaunay - triangulation model 三角網的等高線地形特征提取研究

Contour map of seam roof 礦層頂板等高線圖

Contour map of seam floor 礦層底板等高線圖

Contour map of charge density 電荷密度等值線圖

Densifying contour map based on intersecting algorithm of line and b - spline curve 樣條曲線求交算法加密等高線圖