
contour n.1.外形,輪廓;周線,輪廓線。2.等高線,恒值線;【...

contour chasing

New method for auto - generating curve contour character 一種新的曲線字庫自動生成方法

A preliminary analysis on the contour line to enter into wto 進程中的等高線問題初析

Here is another one that shows the contour of the moon 這是另一張有月亮輪廓的照片

Coupler connection contour for locomotives and cars 機車車輛自動車鉤連接輪廓

Automated capture of the heights of closed contours 閉合等高線高程的自動識別

Calculation of coal hill volume by using contour line method 等高線法煤山體積計算

Image segmentation with an improved active contour 一種改進的活動輪廓圖像分割技術

The smooth contour of the sculpture is wonderful 雕塑物平滑的輪廓線簡直太美了。

Contour lines recognition from scanned topographic maps 掃描地形圖中等高線的識別

The contour of that mountain looks like a dragon 那座大山的輪廓看上去像一條龍。

Contour classifying method has been studied 對骨骼輪廓集的分類方法進行了研究。

Wheel contour gauge for railway locomotive and vehicle 機車車輛車輪輪緣踏面樣板

His well-formed aquiline nose, straight thin lips, and the admirable contour of his finely-formed limbs, impressed the whole company instantly with the idea of something uncommon . 他生就一只端正的鷹鉤鼻,兩片扁扁的薄嘴唇,四肢勻稱,風度翩翩,眾人立刻覺得此人非尋常之輩。

Such contour lines can be drawn for any structural surface, regular or irregular(e. g. bedding planes, faults, unconformities, dykes, veins or intrusions) . 對于任何構造面,規則的或不規則的(如層面、斷層、不整合、巖墻、巖脈或侵入體)都可畫出這種等高線。

Inasmuch as the contoured walls are usually overcorrected for their own boundary layer, the flow in the planes parallel to the flat walls diverges . 只要曲壁附面層的修正通常是超過需要量的,平行于平壁的平面上流動就發散。

The outcrop pattern that the bed should make on the map may be determined by using the structure contour method, in reverse as shown in figure 14 . 該巖層在圖上應有的露頭形態可與圖14相反,用構造等高線法予以確定。

Contour planting with or without terraces is one of the best systems adapted to cultivation management on rolling or sloping land . 等高栽植(不論有無梯田)是適于坡地或起伏地的最好栽培管理的方式之一。

Bright areas reveal undeflected or stationary nodal regions while contour lines trace out areas of constant vibrational amplitude . 亮區表示未受偏轉的或穩定的波節區而輪廓線則描繪出等振幅的區域。

Every contour of the surrounding hills was as personal to her as that of her relatives' faces . 四周環繞那些山的巒光嶺影,她一個一個地都很熟悉,仿佛親友的面目一樣。