
contortion n.扭彎,扭歪;曲解;【醫學】捩轉,轉位,脫節。n.-i...


The shot told ; red with fever , while the large drops fell from his brow , the man executed , one after the other , the three signs given by the count , in spite of the frightful contortions of the right - hand correspondent , who , not understanding the change , began to think the gardener had gone mad 這一突然的進攻成功了,那個人臉漲得通紅,額頭上滾下了一連串黃豆般大的汗珠,他把伯爵交給他的那三組信號接連發了出去,根本不顧那右邊的通訊員在那兒是多么得驚奇,后者由于不知道其中的變化,還以為這位園藝家發瘋了呢。

But pearl , not a whit startled at her mother ' s threats , any more than mollified by her entreaties , now suddenly burst into a fit of passion , gesticulating violently , and throwing her small figure into the most extravagant contortions 珠兒剛才對她母親的請求無動于衷,此時對母親的嚇唬也毫不驚惶;卻突然大發脾氣,做出激烈的姿態,把她小小的身軀弄得七扭八歪。

But pearl , not a whit startled at her mother s threats , any more than mollified by her entreaties , now suddenly burst into a fit of passion , gesticulating violently , and throwing her small figure into the most extravagant contortions 珠兒剛才對她母親的請求無動于衷,此時對母親的嚇唬也毫不驚惶卻突然大發脾氣,做出激烈的姿態,把她小小的身軀弄得七扭八歪。

In any case , the arrangement demands much from the viewers : they have to perform considerable contortions , if they want to switch world views and thus symbolically become dogs themselves 也就是說,至少,這裝置作品對觀眾提出了一份要求:你必須表現出適當地改變,如果你想要變換世界觀點及象徵性的成為犬類。

It violates our senses . nor would you , or , rather , should you , accept the ravings and writhings and agonized contortions of those two lunatics to - night as a convincing portrayal of love . 今天晚上那兩個瘋子的哇里哇啦扭擺晃動和痛苦的痙攣你也不會,或者說不應該,看作令人信服的愛情表演的。 ”

On top of the spectacular stage art and costume designs , the show will also feature trapeze , pole climbing , rings , contortion , unicycles , magic and some breath - taking acrobatic pointe work 空中飛人、爬竿、滾環、軟功、單車技巧、魔術肩上甚至頭上芭蕾等等,巧妙交織成極具視覺震撼力的魔幻劇場。

From the two points of contortion of rural credit cooperative system and its management structure , ten problems concerning cooperative finance in rural areas are analyzed 摘要從農村合作金融制度扭曲和治理結構兩個方面分析了農村合作金融存在的10個問題。

As a second - rate crooner sings about the beauties of his lover s face , his own face metamorphosizes into the most surreal shapes and contortions possible 一個低聲吟歌的人歌頌他愛人的臉的美。他自己的臉孔形狀在不停變動,令其超現實地扭曲。

Describe the valid patron records using either dtds or w3c xml schema , at least not without elaborate contortions and or compromises in precision 使用dtd或w3c xml schema描述有效的顧客記錄,至少在未精心修飾和或對精確性折衷時,不能這樣做。

Few animals were observed on the route ; even the monkeys hurried from their path with contortions and grimaces which convulsed passepartout with laughter 在這一天當中,沿途很少看到野獸,偶爾有幾只猢猻一邊溜著,一邊擠眉弄眼作出各種怪相。

The first thing an astute reader will have noticed is that my sample application went through some odd contortions to get its input data 聰明的讀者首先會注意到,我的樣本應用程序通過一些不常見的、過于復雜的方法來獲取其輸入數據。

Ease of mounting : many times impressive contortions are required to stow a good parachute in a good harness with acceptable results 易于安裝: (大家)常常會看到為了把一個備份傘裝到吊帶里面令人印象深刻的費勁。

Ben gunn was on deck alone , and , as soon as we came on board , he began , with wonderful contortions , to make us a confession 甲板上只有本葛恩一個人。我們剛一登上大船,他就比比劃劃地急于向我們仟悔。

At five years old , she is the youngest student at the mongolian state circus ' studio of contortion 她剛5歲,是蒙古國家馬戲“柔術工作室”中最年輕的學生。

Their bodily gyrations and contortions fascinated him 他們身體的旋轉動作和扭曲運動使他著迷。

This sentence was spoken with the bitterness of self-upbraiding, and a contortion of visage absolutely demoniacal . 這話是用辛辣的自我譴責的口吻說出來的,說話時他的面孔也歪扭得象個地道的魔鬼。

He tried to guess how the strata behaved at the time the contortions formed . 他試圖推斷地層在扭曲形成時是如何變化的。

The acrobat went through various contortions . 賣藝人把身體作出各種扭歪的姿態。