
contort vt.扭,扭歪,擰彎;曲解(文義等)。 contort ...


Of an impulsive and passionate nature , she had fortified herself to encounter the stings and venomous stabs of public contumely , wreaking itself in every variety of insult ; but there was a quality so much more terrible in the solemn mood of the popular mind , that she longed rather to behold all those rigid countenances contorted with scornful merriment , and herself the object 她本是一個充滿熱情容易沖動的人,此時她已使自己堅強起來,以面對用形形色色的侮辱來發泄的公憤的毒刺和利刃但是,人們那種莊重的情緒反倒隱含著一種可做得多的氣氛,使她寧可看到那一張張僵刻的面孔露出輕蔑的嬉笑來嘲弄她。

Hearing this , jeremy is very upset because he knows that people very often are not aware of their violent behavior towards animals . impulsively , he places one of his electrically charged hands on the dying deer and grasps the policeman by the hand to transmit the deer s pain to him . the policeman s face contorts when the deer groans because he suffers , both physically and mentally , in exactly the same way as the dying deer 溫謝利聽后,百感交集,人們常不知道自己無意中傷害動物的行為,他用能導電的手一手按著垂死的鹿,一手抓著警員的手,把鹿瀕死的痛處傳給警員,鹿一呻吟,警員立刻扭曲面容,感受鹿死亡的各種身體和心靈上的痛苦,他體驗了鹿整個死亡的經歷,不但全身冒冷汗,并且心跳逐漸停止,他哀號著,知道自己打獵是一種愚蠢的行為,從此他不敢再打獵。

The plantation wherein she had taken shelter ran down at this spot into a peak , which ended it hitherward , outside the hedge being arable ground . under the trees several pheasants lay about , their rich plumage dabbled with blood ; some were dead , some feebly twitching a wing , some staring up at the sky , some pulsating quickly , some contorted , some stretched out - all of them writhing in agony , except the fortunate ones whose tortures had ended during the night by the inability of nature to bear more 在那些樹下,有幾只山雞四下里躺著,它們華麗的羽毛上沾著斑斑血跡有些山雞已經死了,有些山雞還在無力地拍打著翅膀,有些山雞瞪著天空,有些山雞還在撲打著,有些山雞亂扭著,有些山雞伸直了身子躺在地上所有的山雞都在痛苦地扭動著,不過那幾只幸運的山雞除外,它們在夜里流血過多,再也無力堅持了,已經結束了它們的痛苦。

The second part uses analysis method of administration zoology to discuss the main elements that influences the transformation of governmental economic function , such as , the market growth level , organization reform , law construction , political system , the rules of wto , etc ; it analyses the progress and deficiency of the economic functional transformation of chinese government , and figures that chinese economy macro contort and regulatory system has come into being preliminarily , the separating government functions from enterprise management and the separating government functions from society , has borne fruits ; overseas trade has accorded with international , and constant developable capability has been strengthened 組織生產公共產品,提供公共服務; 4營造統一開放的市場環境,保護公平競爭。第二部分,運用行政生態分析方法,探討了影響政府經濟職能轉變的主要因素,如市場發育水平、機構改革、法制建設、政治體制、 wto規則等;深入分析了中國政府經濟職能轉變的進展和不足,認為我國經濟宏觀調控的體系已經初步形成,政企分開、政社分開已初見成效,涉外貿易已與國際接軌,可持續發展能力增強。

I had crossed a marshy tract full of willows , bulrushes , and odd , outlandish , swampy trees ; and i had now come out upon the skirts of an open piece of undulating , sandy country , about a mile long , dotted with a few pines , and a great number of contorted trees , not unlike the oak in growth , but pale in the foliage , like willows 我穿過了一大片長滿楊柳蘆葦和許多古怪的我不認得的植物的沼澤地,現在我來到了一片約一英里長的起伏不平的沙地的邊緣。這里點綴著少量的松樹,還有大量的長得歪歪扭扭的樹,樣子略似橡樹,葉色則淡如楊柳。

Suddenly a shudder passed over the thick muscles and furrows of the counts face . the shudder grew more intense ; the beautiful mouth was contorted it was only then that pierre grasped how near death his father was and from the contorted mouth there came a husky , muffled sound 伯爵臉上的大塊肌肉和皺紋突然間顫抖起來,抖得越來越厲害,他的美麗的嘴扭歪了這時皮埃爾才明白他父親瀕臨死亡了,從那扭歪的嘴里發出模糊不清的嘶啞的聲音。

As a side matter , dtds do not make the specification of subelement cardinality easy you can compactly specify “ one or more “ of a subelement , but specifying “ between seven and twelve “ is , while possible , excessively verbose , or even outright contorted 還有一個次要問題,即dtd無法簡化子元素基數性的規范(可以簡潔地指定“一個或多個”子元素,但即使可能,指定“七到十二之間”也會過分冗長,甚至完全曲解) 。

What do i care if monsieur pierre is here , the little princess said suddenly , her pretty face contorted into a tearful grimace ; i have long wanted to say to you , andrey , why are you so changed to me “皮埃爾先生在這兒,與我根本不相干, ”矮小的公爵夫人忽然說了一句話,她那秀麗的臉上忽然現出發哭的丑相, “安德烈,我老早就想對你說:你為什么對我改變了態度呢?

One of the reasons that can produce misunderstanding or contort to speaker ' s original intention or purpose and lead to false preset of pragmatics is that there is an difference of message between the language structure and the intentional structure 產生誤解或曲解發話者的本意或意圖而導致虛假語用預設的原因之一是語言結構與意圖結構之間存在著信息差。

His contorted face became normal , round and bright , giving the appearance that he had suddenly gained several kilos of weight . he then ceased raising and lowering his hand , closed his eyes and passed away peacefully 這時,奇跡發生了,她父親扭曲變形的臉,立刻恢復正常,看起來好像突然胖了好幾公斤,手不再上下揮動,恐懼的眼睛也閉起來,安詳地往生了。

Seventy times seven times didst thou gapingly contort thy visage - seventy times seven did i take counsel with my soul - lo , this is human weakness : this also may be absolved ! the first of the seventy - first is come “七十個七次你張大嘴作怪相七十個七次我和我的靈魂商量著看啊,這是人類的弱點,這個也是可以赦免的!

Results : there was no contorting phenomenon of hemoglobin in pisces cyprinus carpio and amphibia rana catesbeiana in the the course of “ direct chiasma “ 、 “ crossing “ and “ surrounding “ experimentation 結果:鯉魚、牛蛙的血紅蛋白自身在“直接交叉” 、 “穿過” 、 “兜過”實驗電泳過程中均未出現扭曲現象。

( 6 ) conformations of crown rings of polymers were different from those of crown ethers , the two benzene rings of crown in polymers were contorted to each other ( 6 )在聚合物中,冠醚環的構象不同于相對應的小分于冠醚環的構象。兩個苯環發生了相對扭曲,夾角變大,冠醚環變得舒展。

When the dragline is caught in a turbulent breeze , it becomes highly contorted , catching air like an open parachute and sending the spider on an unknown journey 當遇到不穩定的氣流時,蜘蛛網就被劇烈扭曲,象空中張開的降落傘一樣,將蜘蛛送上一段未知旅途。

Therefore it is necessary to establish a set of laboratory quality control system for convenient use , which will pay an important role in quality contort 因此,有必要建立一套完整又便捷的實驗室內質量控制體系,在質控質量上發揮重要作用。

What we worry about is that history may repeat itself because japanese government means to forget , contort , and conceal history , which we can never forgive 我們擔心歷史會重演,因為日本政府妄圖遺忘、歪曲、掩蓋歷史,是可忍,孰不可忍!

Sometimes you find lines , methods , or even entire classes that simply cannot be reached by tests , no matter how much you contort the code 有時您會發現,不管對代碼如何改造,仍然有一些行、方法、甚至是整個類是測試不到的。

Sometimes when you play , you hit a note or chord , and your facial and body expressions contort to match the audio expression 有時當你演奏時,你擊出一個音符或和弦,你的面部和身體表情會扭曲以配合聽覺的表達。

Females faces and figures are eerily contorted throughout the ten years worth of work from pottery sculptor zheng yukui on display 縱觀展出的陶藝雕刻家鄭玉奎10年來的作品,女性面孔和體形被扭曲得變了樣。