
continue vi.1.連續,繼續;延伸。2.仍舊,依舊,留。短語和例...

continued bond

I continued to follow my old weekly routine . 我還是繼續過每周老一套的生活方式。

As the nation grew older, the habit continued . 雖然立國日久,這一習慣仍然存在。

These slits do not need to continue . 這些刻縫不必連續。

You've continued the same policy from the start . 你從一開始就始終抱定一個宗旨。

On april 17 the raids continued for a second day . 四月十七日空襲又繼續了一天。

The night had closed in and the snow continued to fall . 夜已迫近,雪繼續在下。

It is useless for us to continue . 我們繼續下去是徒勞的。

She continued listening, adding to her notes . 她繼續諦聽著,充實著自己的筆記。

The state of affairs must not be allowed to continue . 不能讓這種狀況延續下去。

Most people would simply have continued their lives . 大多數人會照樣生活下去。

She continued to lead a quiet and modest life . 她仍然過著安靜、有節制的生活。

The burning continues until the fuel is exhausted . 火一直燃燒到燃料耗盡為止。

Her interest in drama continued . 她對戲曲的興趣始終不衰。

Lucidity has been honest and continued intention . 曉暢即是他忠實不渝的志趣。

The rail continued to vibrate softly . 鋼軌繼續微微顫抖著。

But the machinery continued to creak . 但是,那部機器仍然嘰嘰嘎嘎地運轉不靈。

They can continue by transfinite induction . 利用超限歸納法,他們可繼續下去。

Marianne continued to mend every day . 瑪麗安一天天繼續好轉

These starts and frights continued till noon . 這些驚厥和恐怖一直持續到中午。