
continuator n.〔拉丁語〕繼續者,續作者。


With compared xu ' s thought of moral cultivation with chen xianzhang ' s and wang yangming ' s , it was concluded that xu was more a continuator and then it seemed that his thoughts was thin in theory , xu was open to christianity as wide as to western culture . with the help of christianity , xu attempted to induce human nature into the way to goodness that is of human originally . moreover , h e stressed that christianity was of assistance to confucianism and buddhism , i . e . , it had the capacity to reinforce feudality ' s governing 在宗教教化思想這個問題上,徐光啟對待基督教這一外來文化的心胸同對待西學一樣是非常開放的,徐光啟試圖用基督教的力量把人性引上發乎本心的善的道路,強調宗教在“補儒易佛”上能夠對社會文化實現比較積極的調和作用,他還認為基督教可以“左右儒術,救正佛法” ,它有“補益王化”的政教功能。

For that and for much else i would like to be his continuator 因為這個,和其他很多原因,我愿意是他的后繼者。