
continuative adj.連續的;繼續的;【語法】接續的。


Abstract : according to the continuative condition of the tangential fields on the slot aperture which is the inclined narrow - slot on the broadwall of a sectoral waveguide , the moment method is used to calculate the magnetic current coefficient and distribution . then the scattering field , the scattering parameter and the equivalent impedance are obtained . leting only the te11 dominant mode propagates in the waveguide , the scattering parameters and the normalized equivalent series impedance in the x - band are computed . the basis disigned the slot antenna and the slot array is offered 文摘:根據縫隙口面切向場的連續條件,采用解析數值法矩量法,對扇面波導寬壁上窄的斜縫進行了計算,解得了磁流系數及其分布,并得到散射場、等效散射參量及等效阻抗等重要參數.假定波導中僅有te11主模傳輸,在x波段計算了散射參量和歸一化等效串聯阻抗,給出計算結果,為縫隙天線和縫隙陣列設計提供了依據

Abstract : this is a report of undergraduate students ' vacation activity . water samples weretaken from their homecities along the two rivers , then analyzed in university laboratory . comparing the present data of water quality with the historical ones , the importance and urgencyof envionmental protection and administration , as well as the continuative developmentare verified 文摘:報道家住長江、黃河沿江城鎮的大學生在假期中對采集的水樣進行分析,并將結果與積累資料作了比較,從而驗證和認識了環境防治及可持續發展的重要性與緊迫性。

In order to make continuative progress in the time of globalization , advertising educators in china should re - position their objectives of advertising education , changing their focus from “ how to “ to “ theory “ orientation 摘要在新的國際化教育背景下,為使我國的廣告教育可持續發展,廣告教育應該轉變觀念,重新定位教育目標,把廣告教育的目標從技能型導向轉到理論研究型導向,培養合格的人才。

The textile auxiliaries to be developed are described according to the requirements of the ecological textile production technologies , the clean production and continuative development of the textile industry 摘要根據生態紡織品生產工藝及紡織印染行業清潔生產、可持續發展趨勢的要求,闡述了一些有待開發的紡織印染助劑。

We can predict with confidence that in the next centuries , the continuative , unrestricted use of fossil fuels would dramatically modify the earth ' s climate , in ways that would have an impact in practice on every living organism 可以預計,礦物燃料繼續不受限制地使用將大大地改變地球的氣候,這實際上將影響所有的生物。

On the relationship between the environmental consciousness in the past and modern continuative development in the northwest 論古代敦煌環保意識基礎及其與現代大西北可持續發展之關系

It is a historic process of gradual development which is both continuative and multistage 它是一個漸進演化的歷史進程,既有系統完整的歷史發展連貫性,又有明顯特征的歷史發展階段性。

Several conceptions to the system construction of continuative education courses for mathematical teachers in middle school 本科數學系列課程設置與課程內容研究

Follow up the flaws of product and lead continuative quality improvement through design and process 追蹤不良原因,通過設計及工藝改進持續改善品質。

Study on the economic transformation and the sustainable development of continuative industry in fuxin city 阜新市經濟轉型與可持續發展接續產業研究

The change of property right and the continuative development of private - owned economy 產權制度的變遷與私營經濟的可持續發展

On continuative development education idea and high physical education reform 可持續發展的教育觀與高校體育改革