
continuation n.1.繼續,連續;持續。2.延續,續篇;(線路等的)延...

continuation day

A continuation method for solving variational inequality problems 連續化方法求解變分不等式問題

The memory of my name will pass in the continuation of centuries 我名字的記憶會存留許多世紀。

Western traditional view on knowledge , continuation and insurrection 西方傳統知識論的延續與反叛

Indent continuation lines one tab stop 將連續行縮進一個制表位。

Continuation method applied in kinematicsof parallel robot 同倫算法在并聯機器人運動學中的應用

Some ideas about the continuation of difangzhi 新志續修的一些想法

Selection and proposal on the contents about the continuation of difangzhi 續志篇目擷萃與建議

Here , i ll examine continuation - based servers 這里,我將就基于continuation的服務器進行討論。

For information about continuations in the python language 獲取python語言中有關延續的信息。

The operation is writing a continuation tape 操作正在寫入延續卷。

Continuation of the on - site tree survey 繼續于工地進行實地樹木勘測

If you need to use header continuations , you need to set the 如果需要使用標頭繼續符,則應將

You can use the line - continuation sequence 您可以使用行繼續序列(

Diagnostic theory with two kinds of quality and it ' s continuations 兩種質量診斷理論及其拓展

Continuation method for non - linear l1 norm minimization problem 1模極小化問題的路徑跟蹤算法

Is used to indicate possible continuation of similar forms . . .表示相似形式可以連續出現。

Each time out was a continuation , not a repetition 每一次出游都是上次的繼續,而不是重復。

Explanation of continuations and stacklessness 下載本文中使用和提到的

Statement by using a line - continuation sequence 不能使用行繼續符序列(