
continuance n.1.持續;繼續,連續。2.繼續期間;繼續部分,(小說...


Although the high court has ruled in the government s favour and allowed for continuance of the works , the government has not ordered full resumption of all marine works 答18 .雖然高等法院判政府勝訴并批準工程繼續,但政府并?有全面恢復所有的海事工程。

Notwithstanding that the high court has ruled in the government s favour and allows for continuance of the works , we have not ordered full resumption of all marine works 23 .雖然高等法院判政府勝訴并批準工程繼續,但政府并?有全面恢復所有的海事工程。

Both documents guarantee the continuance of the legal system that was in place before china resumed the exercise of sovereignty over hong kong on july 1 , 1997 兩份文件均保證,一九九七年七月一日中國恢復對香港行使主權之前香港沿用的法律制度得以延續。

So reasonably develop , use , manage water resource and raise its utilizing efficiency is the important task for guarantee the continuance development of the society 因此,合理開發、利用、管理水資源,提高其利用效率是保證社會可持續發展的重要課題。

This dissertation reviews and studies the long continuance of the u . s . federal constitution . this dissertation mainly contains three parts 本文是對美國《聯邦憲法》長久存續這一事實所作的考察性研究,文章主要分為兩大部分:第一大部分即文章序言。

The inflammation retardation period , combustion continuance period and combustion cyclic variability of compound alcohol fuels is greater than that of gasoline 醇類混合燃料的著火延遲期、燃燒持續期、燃燒循環變動都大于汽油,放熱規律與汽油相似。

The agent shall not during the continuance of the agency sell competing products to be made in the usa on his account or on account of any other firm or company 代理在其代理期間內,不得為自己或代表任何其他公司銷售在美國所制造的競爭對手的貨物。

This thesis wants to answer this question : how should the mnc set up its continuance competing advantage by the emergence of global knowledge economy 本文的根本目的在于回答這樣一個問題:在全球知識經濟背景下,跨國公司如何構建可持續競爭優勢

We build up the integrate model for continuance developing in jilin province and discuss the stratagem on the developing of jilin province . in the end , this 文章認為,在中國的未來經濟發展過程中,必須注意縮小區域差別、實現經濟的協調發展。

On our part , we have to assume moral responsibility to ensure the continuance and bettering of what our predecessors started 我們必須肩負道德上的責任,確保由先輩苦心經營,今日我們所擁有的新加坡,能夠在我們這一代延續下去,并取得更好的成績。

The continuance of soil erosion will result in not only the descent of soil quality , but also silt of rivers & lakes , and flood disaster as well 水土流失持續發生的結果不僅使土壤質量不斷下降,而且還會造成河湖淤塞,引起特大烘澇災害。

Society began to specialize , people realized and felt drawn to form groups , guilds , or societies , to ensure continuance and growing perfection 社會開始專門化,人們認識到、并感覺到從屬于各種團體、行會或階層,以保證其延續性和趨向完善。

And , the system involved substantial manpower resources to collect and process the data . it was essential to critically review its continuance 此外,該套人力策劃系統須動用大量人手,負責收集和處理數據,因此必須審慎檢討應否繼續;

It provides an appropriate setting for the continuance of the indo - pakistan dialogue and steps to improve ties between the two countries 它提供了一個適當的環境,印度與巴基斯坦可以繼續進行對話,并采取措施改善兩國關系。

E 、 supreme membership card is effective from its creation date . notice of continuance of membership will be sent out one month before expiry 至尊會員卡自制卡日起計算有效日期,本公司將于有效期滿前1個月發出續卡通知。

Precise agriculture is a developing direction in the future agriculture , and an important way for making the agricultural continuance into reality 精確農業是未來農業的發展方向,是農業實現可持續發展的重要途徑。

Our company provides continuance developmental opportunities and room , make great efforts to creat equitable competitive enviroment 公司為職員提供可持續發展的機會和空間,努力創造公平競爭的環境。

People who need to raise a family also have higher continuance commitment than those who only need to serve themselves 在繼續承諾上,撫養家庭者(包括部分供養,和主要供養)要高于只負擔自己者。

While thanking you for your valued support , i wish to asc for a continuance of your confidence in the new company 在感謝您過去惠予支持的同時,希望對我新公司也繼續給予信賴。