
continual adj.不斷的,連續的;頻繁的。 continual b...


The continual wet weather is getting me down 持續的潮濕天氣使我沮喪。

A good conscience is a continual feast 白日不做虧心事,夜半敲門心不驚

Continual improvement of processes based on objective measurement 目標檢測上的持續增長

They live in continual fear of starvation 他們生活在不斷的饑餓恐懼中。

Continual development of filing rooms in teachers colleges 師專檔案室持續性發展對策初探

The noisy traffic is a continual annoyance 交通噪音時時刻刻令人煩惱。

The thief had a continual fear of being caught 這個小偷總是害怕被抓住。

Continual process improvement , carry out trash reduction 持續改善制程,進行工業減廢。

Humanistic spirit and continual development of universities 人文精神與大學的可持續發展

The noise of traffic is a continual disturbance 車輛的噪音是持續的騷擾。

A merry heart has a continual feast 一顆愉快的心會享受到接連不斷的節日。

We lay a lot of stress on continual education 我們把重點放在繼續教育上。

On continual education for archives workers 淺談檔案工作人員的繼續教育問題

What hell it was , the continual rattle of it 這不盡的空談,令人難受得象人地獄一般。

Continual improvement on ehsq performance 在ehsq表現方面的持續不斷的進步。

The continual ringing of the telephone annoyed me 時停時響的電話鈴聲使我感到厭煩。

Her continual gossiping chased her friends away 她沒完沒了的閑話把朋友們都趕走了。

Our photocopier is in continual need of running repairs 我們的復印機經常需要檢修

Improve and continual improve to perfect the system 改進和持續改進來完善體系