
contingent adj.1.可能的;偶然的 (to); 臨時的;附隨的。...


Thinking on contruction of instructor contingent in colleges and universities 高校輔導員隊伍建設的思考

Thoughts on strengthening the construction of the contingent of cadres 關于加強干部隊伍建設的幾點思考

Known as the october contingent 此組織被稱為“十月分隊”

The army was strengthened by a large contingent of foreign soldiers 軍隊得到了一大批外國士兵的增援。

Stay here and watch mr chidduck in case there ' s a contingent 待在這兒盯著chidduck先生以防發生意外

An important property of contingent cones 切錐的一個重要性質

Contingent valuation method : an approach of non - market valuation technique 一種非市場的價值評估技術

Since then it has reduced the contingent to 23 - hundred 自那以后,韓國已經把駐軍減少到了2300人。

Leadtime - contingent pricing under response time uncertainty 響應時間不確定下的交貨期相關定價研究

If the october contingent had the tabakovs ' names flagged . . 如果十月分隊標記了塔巴可夫的名字. .

The risk management of contingent claims in commercial banks 簡議我國商業銀行表外業務風險管理

A study on how to set up a cadre contingent of university students 高校學生干部隊伍建設的研討

If the october contingent had the tabakovs ' names flagged 如果十月分隊標記了塔巴可夫的名字

There were the usual protests from the anti - abortion contingent 反對墮胎的人照例提出了抗議

The building of teaching contingent under new curriculum reform 新課改背景下的教師隊伍建設

Study on the finance of venture enterprise from contingent governance 相機治理的研究視角

Time perception and contingent negative variation 時間知覺和關聯負變化

How to develop the contingent and exploitive actions 如何制定緊急性和利用性行動措施?

There was also an especially large french contingent 那里還有一只特別大的法國分艦隊