
continental slope 【地質學;地理學】大陸坡。

continental sunday

A sets of transforms are introduced in this dissertation , by using of which some kinds of topographies , such as continental slope and ridge , can be converted into flat bottom . the processing simplifies the generation of internal tides and reflection of internal waves over those kinds of topographies 針對海洋中的一些地形,如陸架陸坡地形、海山地形、海溝地形,提出了一組坐標變換,該變換可以將這些海底地形變換成平底,從而使得在這些特征地形上內波的傳播和內潮的產生問題得到很大的簡化。

This continental slope usually starts at a place somewhere near the 100 - fatheom mark and in the course of a few hundred miles reaches the true ocean floor at 2 , 500 - 3 , 500 fathoms 大陸架慢坡一般是從差不多100英尋水深的地方開始的,一直延伸到幾百英里遠深達2 , 500至3 , 500的地方,那里才是真正的海底。

The results show that , the kuroshio flows along the continental slope of the east china seas , its trajectory varies along with the slope topography , and some eddies appear on the both sides of it 數值模擬和數值實驗的結果表明,黑潮在流經東海時沿東海陸坡流動,在其兩側出現一些渦旋。

Internal tides generated over some kinds of topographies ( such as continental slope and shelf , ridge topography ) are investigated by using of the transforms introduced in this dissertation 利用提出的坐標變換研究了若干亞臨界地形上(如陸架陸坡地形、海山地形)內潮的產生。

Application of sequence stratigraphy for subtle reservoir exploration in continental slope zone 層序地層學在陸相斜坡帶隱蔽油氣藏勘探中的應用

Abrupt strong currents over continental slope of northern south china sea 南海北部大陸坡區的突發性強流