
continental drift 大陸飄移。

continental facies

The reentering debris heated the atmosphere so severely that it ignited wildfires in the southern and central areas of north america , central south america , central africa , the indian subcontinent and southeast asia ( which , because of continental drift , were in different positions than they are today ) 重回地球的巖屑猛烈地提高大氣層的溫度,以致北美洲、南美洲中部、非洲中部、印度次大陸及東南亞(由于大陸漂移,它們當時所在的位置與今天不同)都有野火燃燒起來。

The distribution of all the genera and species ( including new taxa and new data by present research ) of the world are summarized , according to the history of continental drift and the result shows that empoascini originated in the oriental region in pangaea 145maago . zoogeographical analysis of all the taxa in china shows that most of the genera and species of empoascini are distributed in the oriental region , which is identical with the geographical distribution worldwide , i . e . most taxa distribute in the tropical and subtropical zone . phylogenetic analysis of 40 chinese genera of empoascini with one outgroupikranewa is presented in this paper 在生物地理及區系方面,總結了世界已報道及本研究新發現單元共計88屬1183種在世界各大動物地理區的分布情況,結合大陸漂移學說的有關知識,認為小綠葉蟬族應起源于東洋區,起源時間在聯合古陸時期(約145ma以前) ;分析了中國已報道及本文新發現該族共40屬263種在中國動物地理區劃的歸屬,結果表明,中國小綠葉蟬族的種類分布以東洋區占優勢,明顯多于古北區,這與世界該族昆蟲大多分布于熱帶、亞熱帶的結果相一致。

But this example of one of the most precious gemstones in the world does illustrate for us some of the evidence of continental drift . to get at the explanation , what we have to do is take a world atlas and have a look at the outlines of the south american continent and of africa 的角度來解釋:長期以來,人們就注意到地表上的某些大陸構造能夠拼合在一起,這就好像是一個拼板玩具,特別是非洲的西海岸與南美洲的東海岸之間的吻合性最為明顯。

During subduction northward of neo - tethys oceanic plate , ayla - zhongba micro - continental , the marginal ocean basin and india continental drifted northward all together , the marginal ocean basin was gradually contracted and closed by compressed of india continental 在新特提斯洋板塊向北俯沖消減過程中,阿依拉仲巴微陸塊、陸緣洋盆和印度大陸一起隨著向北漂移,在印度大陸向北擠壓作用下洋盆逐漸收縮以致最終閉合。

Continental drift is now believed to reflect the movement over geological time of underlying plates in the earth ' s crust - the theory of plate tectonics 板塊構造學說提出后,大陸漂移說又獲得了新的含義,它反映了地殼運動和大州大洋的分布規律。

Continental drift the theory that present - day continents have arisen by the breaking up and drifting apart of a previously existing ancient land mass ( pangaea ) 大陸漂移說:現今的大陸是由以前的大陸破裂并分離漂移而逐漸形成的學說。

We live a scant three score and 10 years , far too short a time to witness evolution , continental drift or long - term environmental changes 我們的平均生命僅有70年,實在短得不可能目擊演化、大陸漂移或長期的環境變遷。

As mentioned , mars has no continental drift like earth . this can be seen by the abscence of long mountain ranges on mars 我們提及過火星沒有類似地球的板塊運動,這點從火星表面欠缺山脈便可證明。

At that time , the environment is ; continental drift just raised and had not been addresses sector generally accepted 當時的環境是;大陸漂移剛剛提出,并沒有被地址界普遍接受。

Brief evolutionary history of the earth and continental drift used in biogeographical distribution 地球發展歷史概論及大陸漂移在生物地理分布研究中的應用

Continental drift theory 大陸漂移說

Absence of continental drift 缺乏類似地球的板塊漂移運動

Continental drifts , solar flares , sunspots , magnetic storms , 大洲漂移,太陽閃焰,太陽黑子,磁場風暴