
continent 短語和例子continent1adj.1.自制的。2.節...


The width of the continent might have spread between her and home instead of twenty-five miles of dusty road . 她跟家里相隔只有二十五哩路,卻仿佛覺得隔著一個大洲一般。

She left the rest of its contents to be disposed of by the auctioneer and took her departure for the continent . 她把其余的一切交給拍賣商處理,動身前往歐洲大陸了。

The average british school-boy is said to be more intelligent than the majority of his like on the continent . 據說英國的一般學童比歐洲大陸的大多數一般學童聰明。

He might remain for hours unconscious of an event important enough to affect a whole continent . 對于足以影響整個大陸的重要事件,他在幾個小時以前卻一直不知道哩!

With whole continents experiencing a decline in living standards there is ample ground for pessimism . 世界各大洲生活水平都在下降,所以悲觀主義有充分的依據。

Following the revolution, the peach was utilized by settlers of the heartland of the north american continent . 革命以后,桃為北美大陸中心地帶的移民所利用。

For a transitory enchanted moment man must have held his breath in the presence of this continent . 在那曇花一現的神妙的瞬間,人面對這個新大陸一定屏息驚異。

Like the english social scene as a whole, it had perspectives that the continent seemed to lack . 它和整個英國社會一樣,具有一種歐洲大陸似乎所不及的深度。

Another more important word taken over from the american continent by british housewives is “chore“ . 英國家庭婦女從美洲吸收過來的再一個重要的詞是chore。

In the northern hemisphere, the western portions of continents are especially favored by the prevailing winds . 在北半球,大陸西部地區尤受多風之惠。

The largest landmass is usually divided into two continents along the ural mountains . 習慣上說,地球上最大的一塊陸地是沿著烏拉爾山脈分為兩大洲的。

Since this century's beginning, a time of tempest has seemed to come upon the continents of the world . 自本世紀初以來,動亂似乎就在世界各地蔓延。

Thinking about the globe, you may wonder how the continents float, move, or tear apart . 考察地球,你可能會驚奇,陸地為什么會漂浮、運動或裂開。

Since this century's beginning, a time of tempest has seemed to come upon the continents of the earth . 自本世紀初,動亂似乎就在世界各地蔓延。

Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation . 八十七年前我們的先輩在這塊大陸上建立了一個新的國家。

The idea that continents broke and drift apart is known as the hypothesis of continental drift . 認為大陸曾經分裂并漂離的想法叫大陸漂移假說。

There is a higher heat production in the upper mantle below oceans than below continents . 大洋下的上地幔要比大陸下的上地幔有較高的熱產率。

It reduced indochina to its proper scale-a small peninsula on a major continent . 它把印度支那還原到它應有的尺度--一個大陸上的不大的半島。

They would have lived on two continents and sampled two different ways of life . 他們要住在兩個截然不同的大陸上,過截然不同的生活。