
continence 短語和例子continencyn.1.克己,自制;禁欲,...


It is concluded that most patients with fistula who underwent the procedure of ctu - back should be followed up to see if the - stage of operation is needed . in order to achieve a satisfactory function of defecation and continence , the main points of procedure are cutting off the total internal mucosa of fistula , suturing the defect in skin and repairing the sphincter when necessary 作者認為合并瘺管并經肛門后切術治療的部分患兒,應在術后一定時間行期手術,切除瘺管粘膜,縫合皮膚,必要時修補括約肌,以獲得術后更理想的肛門外觀與排便控制功能。

Only . the controlling methods of legislation and administration and judicature and corporation aggregate and craft continence and so on be combined with , the contract of adhesion could exert its function about reducing transaction cost and enhancing efficiency 對格式合同的規范是一個運用多種手段、協調發揮多種功能的系統工程,構造一個結構精致、功能完備的格式合同規范機制,需要立法、行政、司法等的通力協作和良性互動。

A both parties of the marriage take on themselves the duty to live in complete continence that is , by abstinence from the acts reserved to married couples who are properly married in the eyes of the church , and to live together as if they were brother and sister 一男女雙方完全禁欲即放棄只保留給夫婦指教會認可的正式夫婦的性行為,猶如兄妹般共同生活二不會因自己公開領圣事而樹立惡表或引致其他教友的誤解。

As an important carrier of the college ideological education in current stage , the students ' leagues in college have a lot of positive functions , such as ideology - directing , capacity - training , rally - inspiring , continence - cultivating and so on 摘要高校學生社團作為新時期高校思想政治工作的重要載體,它對高校思想政治工作具有教育導向、素質拓展、凝聚激勵、內化自律等功能。

Indeed , over the past decade the division of paediatric surgery , the chinese university of hong kong , has initiated many innovative and unique diagnostic and therapeutic continence care programmes for children 在中心內,患兒除了可以接受各類檢查和測試之外,更會被安排各種合適的治療方法,當中不少是亞洲首次引進。

Courts should have continence in the area , degree and time of intervening political affairs . we cannot confuse the difference of courts and politics , and the diffe rence of jurisdiction and other powers of state 法院在介入政治的范圍、力度、時機上都應有所限制,不能混淆法院與政治、司法權與其他國家權力的區別。

Nerve - sparing prostatectomy , designed to preserve potency and urinary continence , introduced 發明旨在保留性功能和預防尿失禁的神經保留前列腺切除術

Nere - sparing prostatectomy , designed to presere potency and urinary continence , introduced 發明旨在保留性功能和預防尿失禁的神經保留前列腺切除術

International continence society , ics 國際尿控協會

Continence is the foe of heresy . 克制是異端邪說的敵人。