
contiguous adj.連接,接近,鄰接 (to)。 The bridg...


A contiguous collection of character definitions covering part of the total character code range 一個連續的字符定義集合,只覆蓋(包含)全部字符編碼范圍的一部分。

3 . to correct the wbs code sequence for selected contiguous tasks , click selected tasks . 3 。若要更正選定的相鄰任務的wbs代碼順序,可單擊“選定任務”單選鈕。

In response , the packet unit concatenates data words of an instruction sequence into contiguous blocks 行為上,封裝單元連接指令串中的資料成為一個連續的區塊。

The absolute storage location into which a word or the first of a series of contiguous words is loaded 絕對存儲位置,其中裝入一個字或是一串相連字的第一個字。

1 . to correct the wbs code sequence for a group of contiguous tasks , select two or more tasks 1 。若要更正一組相鄰任務的wbs代碼順序,可選定兩項或更多任務。

The stack frames in a chain occupy contiguous stack space , and share the same thread and context 鏈中的堆棧幀占據相鄰的堆棧空間,并共享相同的線程和上下文。

In vax / vms , four contiguous words ( 64 bits ) starting on any addressable byte boundary 在vax vms操作系統中,起始于任何可訪問字節邊界的四相鄰字( 64位) 。

A contiguous fixed - sized area of storage . each partition is a separate address space 一種地址連續的、定長的存儲區,每個分區是一個獨立的地址空間。

Column as one contiguous chunk , which can significantly increase application overhead 列的所有數據作為一個連續區塊,這樣可大大增加應用程序開銷。

The memory available to a c + + program consists of one or more sequences of contiguous bytes 對于c + +程序有效的存儲由一個或多個字節連續序列組成。

Image maps only work if the images are contiguous in the page , such as a navigation bar 這個技巧僅適合于比較臨近的圖片,比如導航條。

For example , you could allow a single contiguous flow of pcdata to occur 例如,可以允許一個連續的pcdata流在一些可選或必需的標記之間的

Wild soybean population was discovered in a contiguous body in nehe city , heilongjiang province 黑龍江省訥河市發現成片野生大豆種群

Ideas of tourism development in the contiguous area of hunan , hubei , chongqing and guizhou provinces 湘鄂渝黔邊區旅游發展戰略研究

Unlike segments , sections are blocks of contiguous memory with no size constraints 與段不同,節是連續內存的塊,沒有大小限制。

So how do you provide uniform , maximally contiguous output to your client 那么如何向客戶機提供統一的且最大程度相鄰的輸出呢?

Each program had to occupy a single contiguous block of storage locations 程式載入主記憶體內,它必須占有連續地址的記憶體。

If the critical section is a set of contiguous instructions , then the lock acquired by the 如果臨界區是一個連續指令集,則由

Of the array . they are contiguous from index 0 through the highest index value 這些值是連續的,從索引0一直到最大索引值。