
contiguity n.1.接觸,接近,鄰接。2.〔罕用語〕連續(物)。


5 . integrated description of the reservoir showed that the buried depth of the dujiatai formation was deep , the distribution of the formation was stable with good contiguity . there was no united woc , the distribution of the oil layer were mainly confined by structure , the types of the reservoirs were lithology - struture reservoirs , hydrocarbon mainly concentrated on structural highs 5 .油藏綜合描述研究表明,該區杜家臺油層埋藏較深,油層分布穩定、連續性好,沒有統一的油水界面,油氣分布主要受構造控制,油藏類型主要為巖性一構造油藏,油氣土要富集在構造的高部位。

Going back in time , knowledge was thought to develop differently : impressions to resemblance / contiguity / cause to reason . in our current definition of knowledge what has happened to experience , and wisdom 回想從前,對知識的獲取認識是不同的:知識是對相似性/聯系性/事物的緣由的認識。我們當前定義的知識,經驗和智慧發生了怎樣的變化?

This abstraction layer furnishes the architecture with a high degree of flexibility to plug in another vendor s implementation or even homegrown code with minimal disruption to the system s contiguity 在插入其他廠商的實現乃至自主開發的代碼時,這個抽象層在對系統的一致性產生最小破壞的情況下,為該體系結構提供了高度的靈活性。

Contiguity of his enemy , beneath whatever mask the latter might conceal himself , was enough to disturb the magnetic sphere of a being so sensitive as arthur dimmesdale 那個心懷叵測的人不管蒙上什么面具來遮掩,僅僅接近一下象阿瑟,丁梅斯代爾那樣敏感的人,就足以擾亂他的方寸了。

Thus it help the manufacturing base to come into being . small corporations cluster to pursue the external economy due to geographic contiguity 激發地方經濟活力,促進紹興一市紡織業由加工生產一墓地白嫩造業基地轉變一。

Discussion on the concept of coupling and contiguity , and coupling and contiguity , and their significance in the fea research field 并對耦合和接觸問題做了詳盡的論述,并指出其在此領域的重要性。

Our apartment building ' s contiguity to a supermarket is very convenient 我們的公寓和超級市場相鄰,購物相當方便。