
contexture n.組織,構造,結構,交織(物);上下文。


Constantly regard the universe as one living being , having one substance and one soul ; and observe how all things have reference to one perception , the perception of this one living being ; and how all things act with one movement ; and how all things are the cooperating causes of all things which exist ; observe too the continuous spinning of the thread and the contexture of the web 始終把宇宙看成一個活生生的生命,有軀體,有靈魂;洞察所有事物如何指向同一觀念,指向活生生的宇宙的觀念;洞察所有事物如何跟隨一個動作起舞;洞察所有事物如何與所有存在事物互為因果;洞察命運之線和宇宙網絡的不斷延展。

Under the guidance of city planning , the spatial contexture of the streets should continue the historical unity and coherence in writing and show the traditional structure and also solute contradiction appropriately between the modernizational constructions and inheriting traditions . creating environment should show the regional , cultural and epochal characteristics of xi ' an 在城市規劃的指導下,城市街道的空間布局應延續其歷史文脈,突出其傳統格局,彰顯其空間氣韻,妥善解決現代化建設和繼承傳統的矛盾,環境創造中應充分體現西安的地域性、文化性和時代性的特征。

It is shown that the error could be rather remarkable in some extreme situations and could be neglected in the others . the variance of parameters inside pixel , contexture of the pixel and the surface wind speed are the controlling factors of the scaling error 結果表明亞像元狀態和結構是像元尺度誤差的主導因素,風速變化對尺度誤差有明顯的影響,不論何種形式的非均勻性,都須遵循相同的尺度擴展步驟,以達到消除誤差的目的。

Throw away thy books ; no longer distract thyself : it is not allowed ; but as if thou wast now dying , despise the flesh ; it is blood and bones and a network , a contexture of nerves , veins , and arteries 他們之所以變成這樣,是因為他們對何謂善,何謂惡一無所知,而我卻已經洞察善的本質是美的,惡的本質是丑的,而做錯事的人的本性與我類似,我們不但具有同樣的血肉和祖先,也分享同樣的理智和神性。

Also , they establish a culture originality factory at the existed houses with the culture workers , including 4 working houses - embroidery , contexture , carpenter and wood sculpture 除此外,在文化工作者與當地居民合作下,以現有房舍成立文化創意工廠,有刺繡、編織、木工、雕刻等四個工作坊。

But stress and contexture of space structure are very complex . it is difficult that planners estimate practical internal force 但是由于大跨結構的受力和構造均較復雜,設計人員很難準確估計各桿件和節點的實際內力值。

The globalized creation under the circumstances of regrond contexture - on the significance of er yuehe ' s holding fast to regronal creation to literature development 二月河持守地域性創作對于文學發展的意義