
contextual adj.(按照)上下文的,由(文章)前后關系來看的。 a...


Of contextual information 進行管理。

The provider can then examine contextual settings when writing properties 然后提供程序便可以在寫入屬性時檢查上下文設置。

How to transgress language barriers and contextual differences in communication 如何能跨越語言的障礙及文化背景的差異?

Structure that contains contextual information about the source or destination 結構,它包含有關源或目標的上下文信息。

Moral autonomy and cultural habits : contextual approach in western confucian studies 綜論西方儒學研究中的情境主義取徑

Updated contextual help for spells when there is a change in skill points 更新了修改技能點數后該技能的相關幫助信息。

Organizational citizenship behavior ( ocb ) is a kind of contextual performance 組織公民行為是關系績效的一種形式。

The contextual factors and meaning - determination in the business text translation 論語境因素與商務文本翻譯的擇義理據

Task performance and contextual performance based on performance separability 績效分離性對任務績效和關系績效影響研究

Contextual viewpoint of mohism 墨家的語境觀

Study of tspm and theological reconstruction through contextual theology 從處境神學認識三自愛國運動與神學思想建設

Review of contextual performance 關系績效研究

Where contextual keyword 上下文關鍵字指定的。

Handling contextual translations 處理上下文翻譯

On the contextual elements of crimes against humanity stipulated in the rome statute 規定的危害人類罪的前提要件

On english contextual synonym 英語語境同義詞新探

Relations between task performance and contextual performance and job performance 關系績效與工作績效的關系研究

One typical use for soap headers is to transfer contextual data Soap消息頭的典型應用是用來傳送上下文的數據。

Variant of safe ambient calculus and its contextual bisimulation 一種改進的安全環境演算及其行為等價關系研究