
context n.1.上下文;文章的前后關系[脈絡]。2.(事情等的)...


And context information for manifest - based activation 對象包含基于清單的激活的

The context parameters are visible in the web test 上下文參數在web測試中可見。

A study of book reviews in the context of mass culture 大眾文化語境中的書評研究

Indoor and outdoor display for graphics context information 室內室外文字顯示屏

B : err … i don ' t know . tell me the context 嗯… …我不知道。告訴我上下文的內容。

Sets the proxy server name for the test context 為測試上下文設置代理服務器名稱

Reflections on personality research in the chinese context 人格研究中國化之思考

The cultural implication and context in advertisements 廣告的文化意蘊與文化語境

How to recognize which contexts call for the black box 如何識別哪些環境需要黑盒

A survey of bully behavior in the school context 中小學生校園欺負行為的調查研究

Flags describing the context of the invoke call 描述invoke調用的上下文的標志。

Post - modernism : shift of discourse and change of context 話語的轉向和語境的變遷

Opened with “ context connection true “ in the connection string )執行命令時,

The book is oriented exclusively toward the teaching of economic development within the context of a major set of problems and issues faced by the third world nations . 本書在聯系第三世界所面臨的一些主要問題和爭論時,專門針對經濟發展問題的教學。

We would pursue a carrot-and-stick approach, ready to impose penalties for adventurism, willing to expand relations in the context of responsible behavior . 我們要采用胡蘿卜加大棒的辦法準備給冒險主義以懲罰,愿意在負責行動的背景下發展關系。

During the first half of the present century this was virtually the case, though it is now appearing more frequently in purely british contexts . 在本世紀上半葉這一情況基本屬實,但如今在純屬英國情景的上下文中它也更多地使用上了。

In this context it is now evident that we will need some time to position the public opinion at home in the event that talks break down . 在這方面,顯然我們將需要有一段時間,以便使國內的公眾輿論對萬一談到失敗有思想準備。

Ideas themselves are rooted in specific material contexts and have to independent existence apart from the social formation . 觀念本身根源于一定的物質環境,不能脫離社會形態而獨立存在。

The application of our ideas about turbulence to specifically oceanographical contexts has taken place only fairly recently . 將湍流的概念應用于特定的海洋學領域,這僅僅是很近代的事情。