
contest n.1.競爭,爭論。2.競賽,比賽。短語和例子a mus...


He was awarded the first prize in the speech contest 他在演講比賽中被授予頭獎

F3f contest on oct . 12th - 13th , long - ten , taur - yuan county 九設會計出納各1員。

I now formally declare this speech contest closed 現在我正式宣布演講比賽結束。

Mr . li is going to be a judge of a beauty contest 李先生將做選美比賽的評判員。

If political contest within a world-state were substituted for war, imagination would soon accustom itself to the new situation, as it has accustomed itself to the absence of duelling . 如果能在一個世界性的國家里采取政治斗爭來代替戰爭,人的想象力就會習慣于新的情況,正象它曾經習慣于沒有決斗一樣。

It was followed by the swift flashes of the rifles, which sent their leaden messenger across the rock in volleys, as though the assailants would pour out their impotent fury on the insensible scene of the fatal contest . 緊接著,火光閃閃,槍彈越過雙方之間的巖石,成排地飛射過來,仿佛他們要把自己無可奈何的憤怒,全都發泄在進行這場殊死搏斗的這片無知無覺的土地上似的。

The expression has a precarious existence in britain, at any rate in the spoken language, and was first heard by me in this contest about 1937 . 這個詞組在英國,至少在口語中,一直不穩定,我第一次聽到這種用法約在1937年。

We heard that she started an annual contest that featured country music singing, jig competition, and even a mouth harp contest . 我們聽說,她首創了一種一年一度的競賽會,會上比賽唱民間歌曲,跳捷格舞,甚至表演口技。

I believed that to permit the growth of such a public name-calling contest would create conditions which would make future reconciliation impossible . 我相信如果讓我公開指名的沖突繼續下去,實有礙于將來的重新合好。

In this kind of contests some of those involved--and their reputations--are apt to get bruised . 在這種雙方對陣的情況下,凡是被卷進去的人,以及他們的名聲,都難免要受傷害的。

Mrs. morel and annie almost contested with miriam who should listen best and win his favour . 毛萊太太和安妮幾乎同時在與蜜里安爭風吃醋,看誰聽得最認真,看誰能贏得他的青睞。

Ambition in the regions of a despotic and luxurious court was but the contest of flattery and craft . 在一個專制和奢侈的宮廷里,雄心變成了爭先恐后的阿諛逢迎和玩弄手腕。

He had once contested the seat, and ever after been regarded as an authority upon the nation's affairs . 他以前曾爭奪過議員席位,以后就一直被人視為國家事務方面的權威。

To this the dean assented, but alleged that contests on such a subject would be unseemly . 對這個意見,教長表示同意,不過他指出說,在這樣一個問題上爭論將是不合適的。

One did not know from concrete examples that international sporting contests lead to orgies of hatred . 人們沒有從具體的實例得知國際體育比賽導致了深仇大恨。

She paused, the strain of this contest proving almost too much for her tired nerves . 她又頓了一下,她那已經非常困乏的神經實在受不住這場斗爭的刺激。

True friendship is very difficult to find among those who engage in politics and the contest for office . 在從政爭官的人之間,很難產生真誠的友誼。

The two runners contested the race closely -- it was nip and tuck all the way . 那兩個賽跑選手競爭激烈在賽程中一直不相上下。

There are numerous contests for haiku, some sponsored by the about societies . 還有很多俳句競賽,有的是由上面這些會社舉辦的。