
contentment n.1.滿意,知足。2.〔古語〕令人滿意(的事物)。


Content and riches seldom meet together , riches take thou , contentment i had rather 滿意和財富難以兼得,讓財富占有你,我寧可要滿意。

After the retreat , all of the initiates faces shone with contentment and happiness 結禪后,每位同修的臉上都綻放著滿足喜悅的光彩。

Most of tourist attractions were just seen carelessly without complete contentment 大部分旅游勝地都只是草草看一下,不能盡興。

I wait to see if this is where i find the happiness and contentment i seek 我等候看看是否這是我找我尋求的快樂和滿足語的地方。

Peace and contentment 和平與心安

Family relationships in particular seem to be the key to long - term contentment 尤其家庭關系似乎是令人能長久感到滿足的關鍵。

Before long i heard snores of contentment coming from the bed beside me 不一會兒,我聽到了從旁邊的床上傳來的愜意的鼾聲。

The quiet contentment of a well - fed child satisfied the tired mother 孩子喂飽后不哭不鬧的滿足狀使疲憊的母親很滿意。

Much of the contentment of that time was based on moral obtuseness 對那個年代的滿意是基于道德上的一種惰性。

Cancer wishes for health and contentment for the whole family “巨蟹”的生日愿望是希望全家人健康、滿足。

They lived in perfect contentment 他們過著完全知足的生活。

Secondly , happiness consists in contentment 快樂在于知足。

A country life of arcadian contentment 田園般滿足的鄉村生活

May the year of 2005 bring you peace , joy , and contentment 愿2005年給你帶來安寧、歡快、稱心如意。

Contentment is natural wealth ; luxury is artificial poverty 知足是天然的財富;奢侈是人為的貧窮。

His smiling face radiates contentment 他的笑臉流露出很滿足。

Contentment is natural wealth , luxury is artificial poverty 知足是天然的財富,奢侈是人為的貧困

He found contentment in reading novels 他從看小說當中得到滿足。

As a result of contentment bliss is achieved 因知足而得以常樂。