
contentious adj.1.好爭吵的,愛議論的。2.引起爭論的,有爭論的...


And it would seem also , on a hasty view , that the attainment of as much as possible was the one goal of man ' s contentious life 這樣匆忙一瞥的話,可能就會覺得擁有盡量多的東西是人生的一個目標。

1 cor . 11 : 16 but if anyone seems to be contentious , we do not have such a custom of being so , neither the churches of god 林前十一16若有人想要強辯,我們卻沒有這樣的規矩,神的眾召會也沒有。

High - level talks between the countries last week in washington failed to ease tensions over contentious trade issues 兩國上星期在華盛頓舉行的高級別會談沒有能夠緩解雙方有爭議的貿易問題。

They can also capture contentious places such as afghanistan and iraq , where planes cannot safely fly 在某些飛機無法安全飛行且備具爭議的地方,像是阿富汗與伊拉克,則可以用衛星拍攝影像。

Prosecution and defense expert witnesses in dna cases are arguably the most contentious and disparaging in the business 在dna案件中,控方和辯方的專家證人是這一領域內最受爭議和漠視的。

The case has generated huge interest in china because the demolition of homes for development is a contentious issue 這個案件在中國引起了廣泛關注,因為房屋拆遷開發是一個有爭議的話題。

The two democrats took part in a contentious debate tuesday , 26 february , that most experts rated a draw 兩人星期二參加了一場激烈的辯論,專家認為,兩人在辯論中的表現不分高下。

The first task to do so involves clarifying the contentious type of the original vegetation through pollen spore analyses 黃土高原的原始植被到底是什么樣子,學者們說法不一。

Her near - supernatural levels of empathy helped her quell even the most contentious of politicial disputes 她那近乎超自然的共感能力幫助她有效解決哪怕是最具爭議的政治糾紛。

The principle itself is very clear but its application in particular cases can be , at times , contentious 這項原則本身非常清晰明確,但在實際應用上,有時可能會引起爭議。

But if anyone seems to be contentious , we do not have such a custom of being so , neither the churches of god 16若有人想要強辯,我們卻沒有這樣的規矩,神的眾召會也沒有。

But if one is inclined to be contentious , we have no other practice , nor have the churches of god 林前11 : 16若有人想要辯駁、我們卻沒有這樣的規矩、神的眾教會也是沒有的。

16 if anyone wants to be contentious about this , we have no other practice ? ” nor do the churches of god 16若有人想要辯駁,我們卻沒有這樣的規矩,神的眾教會也是沒有的。

If other w3c efforts serve as a reliable guide , this could be a lengthy and possibly contentious period 如果以其他w3c研究為榜樣,這可能是一個漫長的、充滿爭議的過程。

One of the more contentious issues has been the local airport , which doesn ' t yet have commercial service 另一個更富爭議的,是那些尚未投入商用運營的當地機場。

If you were a female , you are undoubtedly a woman more contentious than the most belligerent man 如果你是女人,你無疑是女人中比最好斗的男人更加男人的女人。

But if any man seem to be contentious , we have no such custom , neither the churches of god 16若有人想要辯駁,我們卻沒有這樣的規矩神的眾教會也是沒有的。

It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop than in a house shared with a contentious woman 24寧可住在房頂的一角,也不與爭吵的婦人同住一屋。

Like charcoal to hot embers and wood to fire , so is a contentious man to kindle strife 箴26 : 21好爭競的人煽惑爭端、就如馀火加炭、火上加柴一樣。