
contention n.1.斗爭,競爭,爭論。2.(爭論中的)論點,主張。


The division of their father ' s property is their bone of contention 還不是因為他們父親財產分配的事兒。

This is not a time for contention 現在不是爭論的時侯。

The peasants contention is irrefutable 農夫是駁不倒的。

Stripes is surging back into contention 花臉重新沖到了前面

Today , i choose to release any strife or contention in my heart 今天我選擇釋放我內心的苦恨與不平。

Contention has no place in church 教堂中不會有爭論的行為。

His contention was that world trade barriers should be lowered 他的論點是應該減少世界貿易的障礙。

We agreed with his contention that the dam was unsafe 我們贊同他的看法,也認為那座水壩不安全。

Contention over the real estate bubble amp; amp; real estate situation in 爭論與2005年房地產形勢

A new contention of strategic thought of shanghai ' s culture industry 上海文化產業的戰略思想新論

Storage contention and yields significantly better scalability 存儲爭用并獲得更大的可伸縮性。

Resource contention can be used against you 資源爭用可能對您不利

Energy contention in central asia and china ' s energy security 中亞地區的能源爭奪與中國能源安全

Theoretical contention about post - modern psychology in the west 西方關于后現代心理學的理論爭鳴

The study of english requires effort and contention of mind 學習英語需要勤奮和精神上的毅力

You can reduce this contention by partitioning the object 通過將該對象分區,可以減少此爭用。

Database assumes row contention is unlikely , but possible 數據庫假定未必但有可能發生行競爭。

With his beloved red sox well out of contention . . 當他心愛的紅襪隊

Unresolved contention for the use of a resource 為使用同一資源而產生的無法解決的爭用狀態。