
contend vi.1.爭奪,競爭;斗爭,戰斗。2.爭論,爭辯。短語和...


. . i cannot contend that i have always been right or wise , . . .我不確定自己是否一直是正確或明智的

The lord arises to contend , and stands to judge the people 賽3 : 13耶和華起來辯論、站著審判眾民。

Contend is a slogan guiding china ' s literature “百花齊放,百家爭鳴”是指導中國文學的一條語錄。

She ' s had a lot of problems to contend with 她有許多問題要解決

I cannot contend that i have always been right or wise , .我不確定自己是否一直是正確或明智的

They had to contend with a lot of problems 他們必須和很多問題爭斗。

Several teams are contending for ( ie trying to win ) the prize 一些團隊正在爭奪這個獎金。

The man contend that it was not his fault 那人爭辯說這不是他的過錯。

Will you be partial to him ? will you contend for god 8你們要徇神的情面么?要為?爭論么?

They had to contend with wind and sand storms 他們必須與大風沙作斗爭。

The defense contended that the evidence was inadmissible 被警方聲稱證據是不可接受的

Five runners contended for first prize in the last race 在決賽中五名賽跑選手爭奪冠軍

Will ye accept his person ? will ye contend for god 8你們要為神徇情嗎,要為他爭論嗎。

John has to contend with great difficulties 約翰得與那些艱難困苦作斗爭。

“ i m not above hack - work , “ martin contended “我寫的也不過是下鍋之作。 ”

Our baseball team is contending for the championship 我棒球隊在爭奪冠軍。

Several teams are contending for ( ie trying to win ) the prize 有幾個隊在爭奪錦標

Comments on the contending of tao yuanming ' s native place 陶淵明故里之爭評述

Good character also can contend with pressure 7性格開朗,成熟,能應付壓力。