
contemptible adj.可鄙的,可輕視的,下賤的;不值一談的。conte...


Distinction does not consist in the facile use of a contemptible set of conventions , but in being numbered among those who are true , and honest , and just , and pure , and lovely , and of good report - as you are , my tess 在夸夸其談的一套毫無用處的傳統禮儀中,并不存在什么高貴的身分,而高貴的身分存在于那些具有美德的人身上,如真實誠懇公正純潔可愛和有美名的人身上就像你一樣,我的苔絲。 ”

Your minister , may be , is very well in the ministry ; but as a general , hes not simply useless , but contemptible , and the fate of all our fatherland has been put in his handsi am frantic , truly , with rage ; forgive me for writing abusively 您的大臣作為一個內閣大臣可能是好的但作為將軍,不僅壞,而且壞透了,可他卻肩負我們整個祖國的命運的確,我由于沮喪而快要發瘋,請原諒我冒昧給您寫信。

The fear of intellectuals to be seen as advocates of reason is the final treason of the clerks . to be cowardly under fire is understandable , but to cower when there is a world to be taught ( and to learn from ) is contemptible 害怕知識分子被看作理智的倡導者,這是知識分子對知識和道德價值的最終貶低。在炮火襲擊下畏縮尚可理解,而面對一個需要教導(也可從中學習)的世界卻當懦夫則是卑鄙的。

It has a glorious an and a contemptible science , a magnificent common sense and an infantile logic , a fine womanish chatter about life and no scholastic philosophy 它有光榮燦爛的藝術,和卑不足道的科學,有偉大的常識和幼稚的邏輯,有精致的,女性的,關于人生的閑談,而沒有學者風味的哲學。

Because we re different than animals . we can distinguish between good and bad , high and low , moral and contemptible . we have the ability to make our own choices 因為我們跟動物不一樣,能夠分別好壞分別高低分別道德和兇惡的事情,可以有自己選擇的能力。

When bad men combine , the good must associate ; else they will fall one by one , an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle 當壞人聯合起來的時候,好人也必須聯合起來;不然他們會一個接一個的倒下,成為一場卑劣斗爭中不足為惜的犧牲品。

Particularly contemptible was the jim crow attitude of the southern white churches , which evidently looked forward to a “ lily white ” heaven 特別可鄙的是南方白人教堂也采取隔離黑人的態度,這些白人教堂顯然希望進入一個“純白”的天堂。

Ye offer polluted bread upon mine altar ; and ye say , wherein have we polluted thee ? in that ye say , the table of the lord is contemptible 7你們將污穢的食物獻在我的壇上,且說,我們在何事上污穢你呢。因你們說,耶和華的桌子是可藐視的。

Yet perchance to - morrow deception will so act on me , that i shall , on compulsion , consider such a contemptible possession as the utmost happiness 但明天,或許幻想就會破滅,那時,我將不得不把這不值一提的財富當作至高無上的幸福。

Actually , the die - hards may be hard , but they are not hard unto death , and in the end they change into something filthy and contemptible , like dog ' s dung 頑固分子,實際上是頑而不固,頑到后來,就要變,變為不齒于人類的狗屎堆。

Therefore have i also made you contemptible and base before all the people , according as ye have not kept my ways , but have been partial in the law 9所以我使你們被眾人藐視,看為下賤,因你們不守我的道,竟在律法上瞻徇情面。

“ you place defiled food on my altar . “ but you ask , ' how have we defiled you ? ' “ by saying that the lord ' s table is contemptible 7你們將污穢的食物獻在我的壇上,且說,我們在何事上污穢你呢?因你們說,耶和華的桌子是可藐視的。

Japan loses more than it gains with its contemptible denial and distortion of history , which is in stark contrast to germany ' s positive attitude 看看德國的態度,人們就更加覺得日本否認和竄改歷史是何其齷齪,何其得不償失。

Japan loses more than it gains with its contemptible denial and distortion of history , which is in stark contrast to germany s positive attitude 看看德國的態度,人們就更加覺得日本否認和竄改歷史是何其齷齪,何其得不償失。

Oh yeah ? i had to smile to myself . after all , i had already fallen in love with the savage brat , the parents were contemptible to me 是嗎?我只好暗自笑了笑。畢竟我已經喜歡上了這個野蠻的小東西,但卻看不起這對父母。

To be cowardly under fire is understandable , but to cower when there is a world to be taught ( and to learn from ) is contemptible 在炮火襲擊下畏縮尚可理解,而面對一個需要教導(也可從中學習)的世界卻當懦夫則是卑鄙的。

2 cor . 10 : 10 because while his letters , someone says , are weighty and strong , his bodily presence is weak and his speech contemptible 林后十10因為有人說,他的信又沈重,又強硬,他親身的同在卻是軟弱,言語又是可鄙。

“ when bad men combine , the good must associate ; else they will fall one by one , an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle 當邪惡匯聚,良善的人們就必須團結起來,否則一個一個都將成為卑劣斗爭下無謂的犧牲品。

But ye have profaned it , in that ye say , the table of the lord is polluted ; and the fruit thereof , even his meat , is contemptible 12你們卻褻瀆我的名,說,耶和華的桌子是污穢的,其上的食物是可藐視的。