
contempt n.1.輕蔑,藐視。2.恥辱,屈辱。3.不管,不顧。短語...


The court takes this opportunity to warn the defendant that he is liable for contempt . 法庭借此機會警告被告人,如果他藐視法庭就會自討苦吃。

They hung upon him for a time, and left him with merited reproaches and contempt . 這班人跟隨他幾時,后來散了,卻無一個不罵他,看得起他的。

There the dwarf lay, snapping his fingers with gestures of defiance and contempt . 矮子依舊躺在那里,鄙夷地不屑地彈動他的手指頭發出響聲。

Cummings felt a mild contempt at the way binner had mangled the sentence . 聽見平訥說了這么一句文理不通的話,卡明斯心里又添了幾分鄙夷。

Nim slipped back into his earlier manner, making his contempt for birdsong clear . 尼姆回到了原先的態度,明顯地流露出對伯德桑的鄙夷。

We often speak of tramps with contempt and put them in the same class as beggars . 我們常常輕蔑地談起流浪者,并把他們歸于乞丐一類;。

Then he spat out of the window in the universal gesture of contempt . 接著,他向窗外吐了一口唾沫,用這種常用的方式表明他的憤慨之情。

In his rigorously honest and orderly mind he probably had contempt for mere politicians . 他心地至誠而嚴守紀律,瞧不起空頭政治家。

His main cast of mind was a superior contempt toward nearly all other men . 他個性的最大特點就是有一種優越感,簡直對誰都瞧不上。

The slight streak of contempt in his hasty reply offended dorothea . 這種脫口而出的回答帶有一絲輕蔑的意味,這傷了多蘿西婭的心。

Owen was listening to this pitiable farrago with feelings of contempt and wonder . 歐文帶著輕蔑而又好奇的心情聽著這一派胡言。

She imagined it was that weakness which had incurred the contempt of glaucus . 她想,一定是這種軟弱招致了格勞科斯的蔑視。

For outward glamour, or rank they have nothing but a cool contempt . 對于表面的榮譽、職稱、地位這類東西他們是不屑一顧的。

The great bald eyes staring at him with indifference and contempt . 兩顆大白眼正瞪著他,帶著一副冷漠而又輕蔑的神氣。

She sat trembling slightly, but her heart brimming with contempt . 她坐在那兒,有點哆嗦,不過心里卻一百個瞧不起他。

I simply spat my contempt and threw the drug back to the quack . 我憤怒地表示了我的蔑視,把藥扔回給那個江湖醫生。

Underlying his writing is a contempt of the author for his audience . 在其作品的表相下面,含有作者對讀者的蔑視。

Boise was sitting on the steps, watching them with contempt . 博伊斯在一邊臺階上蹲著望著,滿臉鄙夷不屑的神氣。

Ah q had always had the greatest contempt for such people as little nuns . 小尼姑之流是阿Q本來視如草芥的。