
contemporaneity n.同時代(性),同時期(性);同時發生性。


Chapter 3 bases on theory elaboration and noumenal analysis . basing on an urban viewpoint , from the dual attributes , urban attribute and the architecture individual attribute , combining the factors that affects arcade form , it analyses the characteristic of arcade form in contemporaneity conditions and the function of each essential factors . there are many factors that have an important influence on arcade form 第三章在理論闡述和本體分析的基礎上,基于騎樓形態的城市視點,從騎樓形態的城市性和建筑個體性雙重屬性,結合影響騎樓形態的因素,分析現代條件下騎樓形態特征及各種要素對其的作用。

He has published many dissertations on chinese ethnic vocal music , among which are studying and training in ethnic vocal music , introduction to my vocal music training methods , scientificity nationality artistry and contemporaneity , and inheriting traditions of ethnic vocal music and enhancing the undertaking of ethnic vocal music 發表《民族聲樂的學習和訓練》 《淺談我的聲樂訓練方法》 《科學性、民族性、藝術性、時代性》 《繼承民族聲樂藝術傳統,振興民族聲樂事業》等多篇民族聲樂方面的論文。

By avoiding the conventional exhibition structure , which usually categorizes the exhibits by medium or format , the third chengdu biennale is organized into three thematic sections , “ humanity and spirit , ” “ society , ” and “ nature , ” in order to express the contemporaneity of chinese art “第三屆成都雙年展”主題展突破以媒材和表現形式分類的傳統展覽模式,以社會文化學的視野,將作品歸納在“人,精神” “社會” “自然”三個主題中展開,力圖展現“國畫” 、 “水墨”的當代性。

At present , the remote education is developed vigorously in overseas especially in the usa , demonstrated by the new report of idc , it ' s accepted by the american colleges rapidly , the american institution nearly 90 percent will provide “ on _ line learning “ chances , the contemporaneity distance education network platform is formed roughly , which based on the cernet and satellite video system builded in 1994 目前,遠程教育在國外特別是在美國得到了蓬勃發展。據美國國際數據公司( idc )的一份最新調查報告,遠程教育迅速為美國大專院校所接受,到2005年,近90的美國高等教育機構將提供“在線學習”的機會; 1994年開始建設的以中國教育科研網( cernet )和衛星視頻系統為基礎的現代遠程教育網絡平臺已初步形成。

Using “ reboot ” as its theme , the third chengdu biennale attempts to redefine guohua ( chinese painting ) or shuimohua ( ink painting ) , and to present more objectively the multifaceted process of the development of chinese contemporary art , and to redefine the contemporaneity of this segment of the arts “第三屆成都雙年展”以“重新啟動”為展覽標題,對“國畫” 、 “水墨”進行新的闡釋,試圖客觀地展示中國當代藝術發展歷程中的多元格局,重新定義中國當代藝術。

Chapter 2 elaborates the origin of neoteric arcade , its development , its characteristic and the applications conditions of arcade form in the contemporaneity conditions 第二章主要闡述了近代騎樓的淵源、產生、發展及其特點與現代條件下的騎樓形態的應用狀況。

On the contemporaneity of confucianism 論儒學的當代性問題

In both definitions the lithologic-time marker is critical because it represents contemporaneity of deposition . 在兩個定義中,巖石時間標志層是關鍵的,因為它代表著同時沉積。