
contemplative adj.1.熟思的;愛默想的,冥想的。2.【宗教】默禱的...


And in addition , the paper explores the aspects of internal fluctuation , which is viewed as the random choices of the cognitive subject , how it is depend on the initial conditions and is enlarged by the method of positive feedback with step by step on the views of the nature , material outlook and thought modes . what ' s more , under the controls of the nonlinear interactions , the paper respectively explores the development principle in the culture of technology and science between the west and the east on the aspect of attractors and the order parameters , which result from the cooperation and competition . finally , the paper correctly formulates the different value preference in accord with the attractors and the order parameters , and focuses respectively on the traditions of the eastern pragmatic preference and the western contemplative preference and technological preference 在此基礎上,從東西方科技文化的發生和起源入手,從耗散結構的觀點出發,考察了認知主體的隨機性選擇這種文化的內漲落因素,是怎樣依托于各自不同的初始條件?地理氣候條件,在自然觀、物質觀和思想模式方面一步步得到正反饋式的放大;進而,在文化系統內部種種非線性的相互作用下,從競爭和協同所必然產生的序參量和吸引子兩個方面,分別考察了東西方科技文化不同的發展規律,聚焦東方的實用化取向和西方的思辨化、技術化取向的影響機制,從它們在不同時期所發揮的不同作用正面回答了“李約瑟難題” 。

Feeling had indeed smothered judgment that day . since the sudden embrace , three hours before , the twain had kept apart . she seemed stilled , almost alarmed , at what had occurred , while the novelty , unpremeditation , mastery of circumstance disquieted him - palpitating , contemplative being that he was 她似乎是對白天發生的事保持鎮靜,但實際上是幾乎給嚇壞了,他自己也因為這件事的新奇不容思索和受環境支配的結果而惶惶不安起來,因為他是一個易于激動和愛好思索的人。

The obvious reason is that ender ' s game is centered around a child , while the sequels are about adults ; perhaps more importantly , ender ' s game is , at least on the surface , a heroic , adventurous novel , while the sequels are a completely different kind of fiction , slower paced , more contemplative and idea - centered , and dealing with themes of less immediate import to younger readers 表面上看,可能是因為《安德的游戲》是以孩子為中心,而它的續作則是以成人為中心;也許更重要的是《安德的游戲》最少表面上是一部英雄傳奇,冒險小說,而它的續作則屬于小說中完全不同的范疇,步調緩慢,更多是以反思及思想活動為中心,文章題目的安排不容易抓住青年讀者的心。

That person who is equal to an enemy as well as a friend , also in honor or dishonor , impartial in cold , heat , happiness and distress , exempt from attachment , equipoised in praise or repute , contemplative before speaking , satisfied with whatever comes on its own accord , not attached to domestic life , fixed in determination and engaged in devotional service ; such a one is very dear to me 無論敵友,榮辱,冷熱,幸與不幸,都能平等對待,免于牽附,在贊揚和名譽面前保持平衡,先祈禱而后言語,隨遇而安,不依戀家庭生活,決心堅定,致力于奉獻服務,這樣的皈依者,對“我”來說是非常寶貴和親愛的。

Cult favourite sabu takes a break from his early high - octane road adventures to take a more measured , contemplative look at the forces of chance that affect a life . alter ego and preferred sabu actor tsutsumi shinichi stars as yamazaki , a would - be bank robber that also winds up a murderer . by accident , while yamazaki experiences an existential crisis , three yakuza kill a rival gang boss and then hide the body 瀟灑的開始:山崎猶如在塔倫天奴的電影里,在談論完美的罪案,然而一分鐘后,他要為他未正式執行打劫銀行的行動而疾走,別人打劫的錢天意安排落在他手上,然狂奔中他誤殺女美容師。

In such a case , it could only be the symptom of a highly disordered mental state , when a man , rendered morbidly self - contemplative by long , intense , and secret pain , had extended his egotism over the whole expanse of nature , until the firmament itself should appear no more than a fitting page for his soul ' s history and fate 在這種情況下? ?當一個人由于長期的和強烈的隱痛而備受自我反省的煎熬,他把自我已經擴展到整個大自然,以致天空本身不過是適于書寫他的歷史和命運的紙張時,這種“啟示”只能是他精神狀態極度混亂的癥狀罷了!

This article summaries the rise of historical philosophy and its early development , including three stages : the contemplative historical philosophy beyond humanism , historical philosophy in relation to the people of the present day and their development , and historical philosophy without reference to humanism 摘要西方歷史哲學的興起與早期發展經歷三個階段:人之外的思辨的歷史哲學,現實的人的發展的歷史哲學、無視或漠視普通人的作用的思辨的歷史哲學。

It is only that when we watch the performance of twins , we always pay our attention to charlene choi , who happens to be more active . gillian , the quiet one , is therefore usually ignored by us . actually , her unique charm can be demonstrated by her quiet and contemplative character 阿嬌是一個可塑性很高的演員,只是我們看twins的時候,很多時候都集中了在阿sa (蔡卓妍)身上,因為阿嬌可能比較靜,故大家都忽略了她。

Be the symptom of a highly disordered mental state , when a man , rendered morbidly self - contemplative by long , intense , and secret pain , had extended his egotism over the whole expanse of nature , until 在這種情況下當一個人由于長期的和強烈的隱痛而備受自我反省的煎熬,他把自我已經擴展到整個大自然,以致天空本身不過是適于書寫他的歷史和命運的紙張時,這種“啟示”只能是他精神狀態極度混亂的癥狀罷了!

The tremendous amount of time spent on newspapers i regard as not reading at all , for the average readers of papers are mainly concerned with getting reports about events and happenings without contemplative value 我認為人們花費大量的時間去閱讀報紙,并不是讀書,因為一般閱報者大抵只注意到事件發生或經過的情形的報告,完全沒有沉思默想的價值。

The prolific japanese pioneer documentarian haneda sumiko subject of a major retrospective during the 23rd hkiff returns with a contemplative re - telling of the tragic story of lady tokiwa and her son ushiwaka - maru 鏡頭下的畫卷竟然活出生命。是羽田澄子23屆焦點導演十年前震撼的拍攝體驗,至今難忘。

One article describes the history of meditation in western culture , calling it a contemplative practice that disappeared for literally centuries but has recently been revived 其中一篇文章探討靜坐在西方文化中的發展過程,認為這種靜坐冥想的修習已經消失了數世紀,近年來才又再度興起。

How does aristotle respond to the question of whether the contemplative life ( the life of the philosopher ) or the active life ( the life of the statesman ) is the best life 亞里斯多德如何回應思辨的生活(哲學家的生活)與主動實踐的生活(政治家的生活)何者才是最好的生活這個問題

For example , spectator seating will be built close to activity areas while seating in some of the quieter areas will be designed to provide a relaxing and contemplative environment 舉例說,觀眾席的位置貼近活動場地,而部分幽靜地帶的座位設計則讓人在舒適環境下松弛神經及沉思。

Then the thought occurred to mara , the evil one : “ gotama the contemplative is instructing , urging , rousing , & encouraging the monks with a dhamma talk concerning unbinding 然后惡魔忽然想起:喬達摩行者正在開演有關涅?之法,以教導、勸勉、喚醒并鼓勵僧眾們。

However , as society has become more complex , there has been a turning toward the mystical and contemplative aspects of religion on the part of many people 然而,由于社會變得更加復雜,許多人的興趣轉移到具有神秘氣氛和以沉思默想為特征的宗教方面。

The best reading is therefore that which leads us into this contemplative mood , and not that which is merely occupied with the report of events 所以,最好的讀物是那種能夠帶我們到這種沉思的心境里去的讀物,而不是那種僅在報告事情的始末的讀物。

House , the contemplative serenity of the gardens , the looming mountains , and the soft mediterranean light recall the expansive confidence and sunny ease of the 1920s 佛籮莉的美,不僅?于豪門大宅,而且是占地十六英畝的大花園,最為訪客的喜愛。

Gillian , the quiet one , is therefore usually ignored by us . actually , her unique charm can be demonstrated by her quiet and contemplative character 其實阿嬌本身很有自己的神采,她本身很靜,故思考比較多,所以都看到她成熟的一面。