
contemplation n.1.注視,凝視;靜觀。2.仔細考慮;沉思,默想,冥想...


She seemed lost in contemplation 她似乎已陷入渾然忘我的沉思中。

Each morning the priest spent an hour in quiet contemplation 每天早晨神父靜靜地沉思一小時。

The contemplation of the transformation of modern medical ethics 關于現代醫學倫理轉型的思考

Thinking is also reflection and contemplation 思維也是思考和沉思。

Rational contemplation about network language 網絡文學語言的理性思考

Analysis of aesthetic feelings and contemplation on 之美感分析與思考

Contemplation on logistics of beijing olympics 對北京奧運會物流之思考

Ethic contemplation on sustained consumption 關于可持續消費的倫理思考

Contemplation of the welfare culture based on community resources 社區資源的福利文化思考

Or retire to in joy or contemplation . 或是在享受愉快心境,或是沉思。

Contemplation on the offset right in bankruptcy 對破產抵銷權的審視與反思

Some contemplation on circular economy legislation in china 循環經濟立法中的問題與對策

The theoretical contemplation on macro economics development 宏觀經濟學發展的理論思辨

The contemplation of food had more significance than usual 食物現在比以往來得重要。

Nana had grown absorbed in her ecstatic self - contemplation 娜娜陶醉在自我欣賞之中。

Contemplation of the legislation of factual marriage 關于事實婚姻的立法思考

Disposed to or characterized by contemplation 沉思的好沉思的或以此為特征的

Review and contemplation on theories of firm frontier 關于企業邊界的理論評述與思考

Contemplations on the circulation of academic journal 淺論期刊經營的運作思路