
conte n.〔法語〕(極短的、多為情節奇特的)短篇小說,小故事。


The analysis of 13c nmr and py - gc - ms also show each fraction of som has it ' s structural characterization . the aromatic carbon conte nt increasing and carbohydrate , oxygen - function groups decreasing from humic acid , kerogen to black carbon , molecular structure became more condensed , rigid , and stable . 2 ~ ( 13 ) c核磁共振分析也說明了腐殖酸、干酪根和碳黑具有不同的結構特征,從腐殖酸、干酪根到碳黑,芳香碳結構增加,含氧官能團、碳水化合物等結構減少,整個大分子結構更加致密、剛硬和穩定。

Se alle sei della mattina le quattro mile piastre non sono nelle mie mani , alla sette il conte alberto avra cessato di vivere . luigi vampa . “ if by six in the morning the four thousand piastres are not in my hands , by seven o clock the count albert will have ceased to live . 在這幾行字之下,還有兩行筆跡陌生的意大利文: “那四千畢阿士特假如在早晨六點鐘到不了我的手里,阿爾貝馬爾塞夫子爵在七點鐘就活不成了。

Doctor jean jacques conte , cerebral surgeon of lyon , france considers that mona lisa has just experienced a stroke on the ground the muscle on half of her face is flabby , and that she looks smiling just because she manages to show her face awry 法國里昂的腦外科專家讓雅克?孔代特博士認為蒙娜麗莎剛得過一場中風,她半個臉的肌肉是松弛的,只不過因為臉歪著所以才顯得像是微笑。

3 lipasti m h , shen j . exploiting value locality to exceed the data flow limit . international journal of parallel programming , aug . 1998 , 28 : 505 - 538 . 4 zhou h , flanagan j , conte t m . detecting global stride locality in value streams 但是尚無研究在相同實驗環境下對各種值預測器性能進行評估對比,這種比較對深入理解值預測機制,對性能的影響及設計適宜的值預測器具有很大幫助。

According to usa today , among the well - wishers on august 4th , when mr bonds tied mr aaron ' s record , was victor conte , who professed “ a feeling of happiness for him and his family ” 據今日美國報道稱,八月四號亦即龐茲平阿倫記錄的當天,海灣地區實驗合作社創始人維克多?康克出席了祝福會,并稱相信龐茲及其家人會很幸福。

Mr conte , the founder of the bay area laboratory co - operative , provided steroids to greg anderson , a trainer who has been in prison since november 2006 for refusing to testify about mr bonds , a former client 康特曾為龐茲的前教練格雷格?安德森提供內固醇,在06年11月,后者因拒絕在法庭對龐茲指控中做證而被判刑。

Another option that has been suggested is that lippi would become the technical director with his former captain antonio conte ? currently in charge of serie b side arezzo ? as the tactician 而另外一種說法是,里皮將會以技術總監的身份與他的得意弟子孔蒂回到尤文,后者現在正帶領阿雷佐征戰意乙。

The bianconeri travel to tuscany on saturday , when the coach is hoping to make sure of promotion with a win over a side coached by former juve captain antonio conte 斑馬軍團星期六將做客托斯卡納,主帥希望球隊能夠擊敗前尤文隊長安東尼奧?孔蒂執教過的阿雷佐隊,以一場勝利確保升級成功。

Computer architecture , vancouver bc , 2000 , pp . 59 - 70 . 18 conte t m , petal b a , cox j s . using branch handling hardware to support profile - driven optimization . in proc 我們相信,對于epic處理器如安騰處理器而言,我們的硬軟件協同方案將能使許多配置文件驅動的動態優化得以實現。

“ do you know , “ he said at last , “ i ve had that same criticism passed on me once before - by a very great man , a scientist and evolutionist , joseph le conte “你知道不? ”他終于說話了, “以前也有人這樣批評過我那是個非常偉大的人,一個科學家,進化論者,約瑟夫勒孔特。

Hegglin and loredana conte , 45 , who are both dance partners and a romantic couple , wore matching one - piece jumpsuits with hegglin in pink and conte in black 赫格琳和45歲的羅達娜?昆蒂既是舞伴,又是情侶。她們倆都穿了一條連衣裙,赫格琳穿的是粉色,而昆蒂穿的是黑色。

“ i was present and saw some great players of the past years like antonio conte and paolo montero who left without receiving even a flower from the club “過去幾年,我可是親眼看到一些偉大的球員,譬如說孔蒂和蒙特羅,他們離開時甚至俱樂部都不會送他們一束花。 ”

“ i hope we can close the issue tomorrow , although i would be disappointed for conte who is doing well and is fighting to avoid relegation , ” he added “我希望明天我們能夠完成目標,雖然我對不能和孔蒂對抗很失望,他做得很好,可惜下課了, ”他補述。

Hegglin and loredana conte , 45 , who are both dance partners and a romantic couple , wore matching one - piece jumpsuits with hegglin in pink and conte in black 她們倆都穿了一條連衣裙,赫格琳穿的是粉色,而昆蒂穿的是黑色。

“ certainly i would be honoured to accept such a role , as long as everyone respected their positions , ” said conte “當然,假如我扮演那種角色將會獲得無上榮耀,那是一個為世人尊重的位置, ”孔蒂說道。

Hegglin and loredana conte , 45 , who are both dance partners and a romantic couple , wore matching with hegglin in pink and conte in black 她們倆都穿了一條連衣裙,赫格琳穿的是粉色,而昆蒂穿的是黑色。

This paper aims at investigating the reform of the foreign language curriculum for basic education in conte mporary america 本文主要研究當代美國基礎教育的外語課程改革。本論文由六部分組成。

Le conte was right , and so are you , mr . eden , at least to an extent - how much i do not know . 勒孔特說得不錯,你也不錯,伊登先生,至少在一定程度上不錯我有許多東西都不知道。 ”

Methods for quarantine and identification of western pine beetle dendroctonus brevicomis le conte 西松大小蠹檢疫鑒定方法