
contaminative adj.(使)污染的;弄臟了的。


What the subject researching is that power energy should be measured with base wave ammeter to power systematic nonlinear user ; and that it is high veracious by base wave ac parameters measurement method to those not bad contaminative . it is well known that all kinds of ac parameters including of base wave and harmonics , but the content of harmonics in power systems increase largely with the mass disturbance to power using high - power electric equipment . which makes wave shape of voltage and current aberrence , so the measurement veracity and reliability decreased largely . at the same time brings out serious infuency to safe run of power system and electric equipment . the power which any non - linear loads consumes can be divided into two sides , one is base power absorbed in power and the other is minus harmonics power 本課題所研究的問題是針對電力系統非線性負載用戶采用基波電度表來計量電能;而對諧波污染不嚴重的線性用戶采用基波交流參數測量的方法仍然具有較高的準確性。眾所周知,各種交流參量都包含基波和各次諧波,然而隨著電力電子技術的迅速發展,大功率的用電設備對電網的干擾也是越來越嚴重,導致電力系統諧波含量迅速增長,使電壓和電流的波形產生嚴重畸變,測量的準確性和可靠性都大大降低,同時也對電力系統和用電設備的安全運行帶來嚴重的影響。任何一種非線性負載所消耗的功率都可以分為兩部分,一部分為從電網中吸取的基波功率,另一部分則是負的諧波功率。

The car emitted a large quantity of deleterious exhaust gas in the megalopolis and at the building or mineral sites , which threatens badly the somatopsychic health of inhabitant and breaks the ecosystem equilibrium . being a flowing contaminative source , the automotive vehicles have become the “ chief criminal “ of air pollution 汽車作為一個流動的污染源,在人口密集的城市和交通發達的工礦地區,到處散發著大量廢氣,嚴重威脅著居民的身心健康,破壞著生態平衡,成為大氣污染的“罪魁禍首” 。

Specific have “ 3 at the same time “ executive circumstance ; combinative technical reformation , begin use integratedly , the circumstance that prevention and cure pollutes ; contaminative content arranges a condition ; purify processing and establishment of other environmental protection to run a condition ; circumstance of the equipment that monitor reachs the record that monitor ; contamination accident circumstance reachs concerned record ; deadline administers a case , what still environmental protection branch thinks that he must be offerred is other affection condition and data 具體有“三同時”執行情況;結合技術改造、開展綜合利用、防治污染的情況;污染物排放情況;凈化處理和其他環境保護設施運行情況;監測設備情況及監測記錄;污染事故情況及有關記載;限期治理情況,還有環保部門認為必須提供的其他情況和資料。

Armour liver often has eruptive popularity , basically cause through getting contaminative water or food , water of the well in be like a country is caused by pollution small - sized and eruptive , be in the cook of preclinical platoon virus , cooked food of pollution of deal with contact is eruptive and popular also common occurance ; also have give birth to the shellfish aquatic product that eats poison of catch a disease catch a disease to pollute to cause armour liver eruptive popularity , place of edible wool blood clam causes shanghai produces armour liver craze at the beginning of 1988 甲肝常有暴發流行,主要通過受污染的水或食物而引起,如農村中井水被污染引起小型暴發,處于潛伏期排病毒的炊事員,經手接觸污染熟食暴發流行也屢見不鮮;也有生食受病毒污染的貝類水產品引起甲肝暴發流行,上海市1988年初發生甲肝大流行就是食用毛蚶所造成的。

The soil self - purification , the influencing and determinate factors of the soil environmental capacity , and its application in controlling the area gross pollutants , constituting the soil - environmental quality standards , the irrigation water quality standards and the contaminative mud standards in farmland were discussed 論述土壤自凈作用,土壤環境容量影響和確定因素,土壤環境容量在區域污染物的總量控制、土壤環境質量的標準的制定、農田灌溉水質標準、污泥農田施用標準等方面的應用。

The research results show that synthesis pollution index is under the contaminative level , but there is 40 . 81 % of the farmland soil area on the critical line of pollution . specified to the individual pollution index as b , cd and pesticide are on the comt 就污染分布看,一級地中74 . 47 %的土壤處于警戒線水平,二級地中57 . 63 %的土壤處于安全水平;三級地中62 . 24 %的土壤處于安全水平;四級地中71 . 48 %的土壤處于安全水平。

Cling to the promotion application case that fan xiangping of director of bureau of city environmental protection introduced exploration of my city oil to develop contaminant to discharge the current situation and contaminative prevention and cure to manage new technology in detail to inspection team 巴州環保局局長范湘平向檢查組具體介紹了我州石油勘探開發污染物排放現狀及污染防治治理新技術的推廣應用情況。

This paper introduces the concept of environmental logistics to the coal enterprises , analyzes the non - environmental factors of coal logistics , discusses the approach to realize the transformation from contaminative logistics to environmental logistics for coal enterprises 摘要將綠色物流的概念引入煤炭企業,在分析煤炭企業物流中非綠色因素的基礎上,探討了實現煤炭企業物流向綠色物流轉變的途徑。

Analysis and consideration for the contaminative status and resource of solid waste in china 固體廢物污染狀況分析與廢物資源化的思考

Realizing the transformation from contaminative coal logistics to environmental coal logistics 煤炭黑色物流的綠色化轉變