
contamination n.污染;污穢,污物;(語言的)交感,感染錯合;(文章,...


Lead contamination in food in zhongshan 2004年中山市食品鉛污染的調查分析

2 never use the same pipette twice to avoid cross - contamination 移液管不能重復使用。

There are concerns about possible e . coli contaminations 可能的大腸桿菌污染仍然存在。

Investigation on contamination caused by listeria in foods 食品中李斯特菌污染狀況調查

Radioactive aerosol contamination meters and monitors 放射性氣溶膠污染測量儀和監視儀

Contamination level measurement of mechanical lubricating oil 機械潤滑油的清潔度判定

Fear of contamination fear ofbodily fluids 對于污染物的恐懼對于體液的恐懼

Well , l ' m not sure that the contamination is real 嗯,我不敢確定“污染”是否是真的

Indoor contamination of mycoses and their impact to health 室內真菌污染及其健康影響

Contamination sir ! system readings are red - line 有污染長官!系統指示處于危險狀態

Locations of the livestock contamination monitoring systems 牲畜污染監測系統位置圖

Contamination , sir , system readings are red line 污染物泄漏,長官,系統能源報警!

Contamination status of four food borne pathogens 4種食源性致病菌污染狀況調查

Contamination of sediments and environmental sedimentology 沉積物污染和環境沉積學

Damaging contamination will occur in 30 minutes 輻射污染型破壞會在分鐘后爆發

There are concerns about possible e . coli contaminations 他們可能感染了大腸桿菌。

Chemical contamination in food in jiangmen 江門市2004年食品化學污染物監測結果分析

To clean up or reduce the radiological contamination 去污去除或降低放射性污染。

Separate raw and cooked food to avoid cross contamination 烹調或進食前應洗凈雙手