
contaminate vt.1.沾染,弄污,弄臟,污染;使受放射性物質影響而無...


I hope the scene hasn ' t been contaminated 我希望罪案現場沒被破壞

The waste from this factory contaminates the water in the river 來自這家工廠的廢物污染河水。

Don t come here to contaminate the gathering of the saints . 不要來這里污染我們圣人的法會。

Investigation of potentially contaminated sites - code of practice 潛在污染地的勘測.實施規程

Prevent germs in saliva to contaminate food 提防唾液的細菌感染食物

Ex : contaminated food is not marketable 例:已污染的食品不可出售。

. . without becoming contaminated or converted . .都不會被污染或同化

Your contaminated and preconceived thinking 還是污染了的偏頗思維?

Clean the contaminated clothes with washing machine 使用吸塵機或用洗衣機清洗受污染的衣物。

The health department quarantined amoy ' s contaminated 衛生署今晨6時

Bioremediation of organic contaminated soil and groundwater 稠油污染土壤的生物修復應用研究

Advances in phytoextraction of cadmium contaminated soil 鎘污染土壤植物萃取技術的研究進展

3 . by contact with contaminated objects ; or 3 .接觸受病毒污染的物品或

Wash hand & contaminated skin thoroughly after handing 如與產品接觸,請立即洗手或清洗皮膚

The air has been contaminateed by exhaust fumes 空氣已被廢氣所污染。

3 . transfusion of contaminated blood or blood products 3 .輸入受污染的血液或血液制成品。

Advances in bioremediation of petroleum contaminated soil 石油污染土壤菌根修復技術研究

Progress of bio - remedy technology for oil - contaminated soil 重質石油污染土壤的生物修復

Andrea ' s husband died from contaminated water 安德莉亞的丈夫死于水污染。