
containership 集裝箱船。


2 . according to the theory of three - dimensional vision building , with the reference to shanghai waigaoqiao terminal , and after analyzing container crane structure and function , this paper uses three - dimensional vision modeling software multigen , opengvs to construct 3 - d graphic models of the port , various types of container cranes , containerships , related equipment and other on - the - spot objects ( such as yards , containers , container trucks , houses , etc ) 根據三維視景生成原理,在參考上海外高橋現場、對集裝箱起重機結構和性能分析的基礎上,采用三維視景建模軟件multigen 、 opengvs對碼頭進行了3d圖像建模,包括各種類型的集裝箱起重機,集裝箱船,相關設備和其他現場物體(如堆場,集裝箱,集裝箱卡車,房子等) 。

This paper applicates the mathematical programming and presents the model of containership optimization , and develops computer procedure of containership prestowage . it discusses the principle and implementation method of the optimize model , including following : the process of containership stowage ; introducing of the blocks ; a strategic planning process and a tactical planning process of containership prestowage ; computing principle and method of buoyancy , stability and strengh , besides checking principle of them 本文引入數學規劃的方法,建立了集裝箱船預配的優化數學模型,開發了集裝箱船預配計算程序。文章詳細介紹了該優化模型的原理和實現方法,主要內容包括:集裝箱船的配載過程,裝載單元塊的提出和劃分,集裝箱船戰略配載和戰術配載,船舶性能計算與校核。

It can not only solve the containership prestowage problem through the use of objective functions about the optimize model , and obtain a good effect , but also has an useful study for developing automatic stowage system of containership 應用該優化模型,解決了配載中的港序問題和船舶性能狀態的控制問題,并取得較好的效果,為實現集裝箱船自動配載又前進了一步。

According to a study conducted by the marine department , hong kong is able to handle mega containerships ( 10 , 000 to 12 , 000 teus ) which are expected to be in operation within the next few years 據海事處進行的一項研究,香港可容納運載1萬至1 . 2萬teu的超級貨柜船,這些船舶預料在未來數年投入服務。

According to a study conducted by the marine department , hong kong is able to handle mega containerships 10 , 000 to 12 , 000 teus which are expected to be in operation within the next few years 據海事處進行的一項研究,香港可容納運載1萬至1 . 2萬teu的超級貨柜船,這些船舶預料在未來數年投入服務。

“ cscl asia “ , one of the world s largest containerships with a maximum capacity of 8 , 500 teus , was named and started its maiden voyage in hong kong in july 2004 2004年7月,全球最大貨柜船之一中海亞洲在香港舉行命名及首航儀式,這艘貨柜輪最多可運載8 , 500個teu 。

The past decade has seen some significant changes in the ownership of the world containership fleet and the time charter component has become increasingly important 在上一個十年之中,全世界集裝箱船隊的所有權情況有了很大的改變,期租部分所占的份額有了很大的增長。

“ cscl asia “ , one of the world s largest containerships with a maximum capacity of 8 , 500 teus , was named and started its maiden voyage in hong kong in july 2004 2004年7月,全球最大貨柜船之一中海亞洲在香港舉行命名及首航儀式,這艘貨柜輪最多可運載8 , 500個teu 。

This museum is a great hands - on experience where the kids can sail a containership , play interactive games and more 一家大小置身模擬船艙,嘗試駕駛船只的滋味又或者參與互動游戲,感受視聽兼備的互動樂趣,肯定是既好玩又難忘的體驗。

The former are the containership end users who organise port to port or fully intermodal container services 前者是集裝箱船的最終用戶,他們組織港口到港口的運輸業務,或提供全方位的集裝箱多式聯運服務。

Ownership of the world containership fleet is fundamentally divided between the carrier and tramp sectors 按總體上來劃分,全世界集裝箱船舶的所有權由以下兩個集團分別擁有,即航運公司及不定期船的船東。

Monaco and israel have both recently emerged as countries of domicile for owners of containerships 作為集裝箱船船東的注冊國,摩納哥和以色列這兩個國家在近年來開始顯山露水。

For containerships , the mandatory date for compliance with the ism code is july 1 , 2002 自2002年7月1日起集裝箱船必須達到ism規則的要求。

Ships and marine technology - general arrangement plans for ships - example containership 船舶和航海技術.船舶總裝圖.集裝箱船實例