
contain vt.1.含有,包含;能容納。2.相當于,等于。3.克制...


Sea water contains about 0.07mg/litre of phosphate . 海水含磷酸鹽約為007毫克升。

It contains the germ of the whole . 包含總體的萌芽。

Has the revolt been contained ? 叛亂是否已受到遏止?

The world of science always contains a few anomalies . 科學領域里總會出現反常情況。

The macmillan letter contained certain ambiguities . 麥克米倫的信中有一些含糊之處。

The early premix formulations contained sisal fibers . 早期預混配方中包括劍麻纖維。

The sea contains many mysteries . 大海包藏著許多秘密。

Kunta shut his eyes, struggling to contain his rage . 昆塔閉上眼睛,努力壓住怒火。

Public and private laws are contained in separate volumes . 公法和私法被分卷收編。

Pelagic sediment contains tiny grain of material . 遠洋沉積物包含了微細物質顆粒。

The glycolytic pathway contains one oxidative step . 糖酵解途徑只有一個氧化反應。

It contains intermediate water . 它包含著中間狀態的水。

I could not contain myself for joy . 我喜歡得忍耐不住。

Igneous rocks do not contain fossils . 火成巖不含化石。

His argument contains too many ifs and buts . 他的話里盡是些“如果”和“但是”。

Ligaments contain protein elastin . 韌帶還含有彈性蛋白。

Single deposits contain millions of tons of ore . 單個礦床的礦石儲量達數百萬噸。

This letter contained a direct proposal of marriage . 這封信直接了當提出了求婚。

The microscope image contains contrast effects . 顯微鏡所成的圖像具有反差效應。