
contagious adj.1.傳染病的;傳染性的;會蔓延的,有感染力的。2...


Is excitement contagious or what 你說興奮會不會傳染?

Scarlet fever is highly contagious 猩紅熱傳染性很強。

And , they are not contagious 并且,他們不是傳染性的。

But don ' t worry . i ' m not contagious 別擔心,我不會傳染

We ' re very contagious ! - contagious 我們傳染性很強.傳染

Is anthrax contagious ? anthrax does not spread from person to person 人和人之間并不會互相傳染炭疽熱。

Am i contagious or something ? - no , it ' s not a hygienic thing 我有傳染病還是怎么? -不,和衛生沒關系

- am i contagious or something ? - no , it ' s not a hygienic thing -我有傳染病還是怎么? -不,和衛生沒關系

- we ' re very contagious ! - contagious ? 我們傳染性很強.傳染

Contagious skin diseases or severe skin problems e . g . psoriasis 傳染性皮膚病嚴重的皮膚問題如牛皮癬

Bird flu is a contagious disease caused by type a flu virus 禽流感是由a型流感病毒引起的傳染性疾病。

Stay away from me if you ' re contagious 如果你怕我,離我遠點

W e ' re very contagious . - contagious 我們傳染性很強. -傳染

Happiness is contagious . start an epidemic today 幸福象傳染病一樣。今天就開始傳播這種流行病吧!

Attitudes are contagious , is yours worth catching 態度可以傳染別人,你的態度是否值得他人推崇?

Scarlet fever is a contagious disease 猩紅熱是有傳染性的疾病。

Stay away from me if you ' re contagious 離我遠點如果你會傳染病

Isolation and identification of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia 牛傳染性胸膜肺炎病原分離鑒定

Free from the pollution of leprosy or other contagious disease 沒有?瘋病污染或其他傳染疾病。