
contagion n.1.(接觸)傳染;傳染病;(傳染性的)病原體,病毒,...


These may keep out the contagion for a small time , but they will not work in a world that will soon be blanketed in bit - bearing media 這些崗哨或許能暫時把傳染擋在外面,但在一個即將被比特媒體覆蓋的世界中,這一切都將失去作用。

These may keep out the contagion for a small time , but they will not work in a world that will soon be blanketed in bit - bearing media 這些崗哨或者能臨時把污染擋在外面,但在一個行將被比特媒體掩蓋的世界中,這所有都將失去作用。

These may keep out the contagion for a small time , but they will not work in a world that will soon be blanketed in bit - bearing media 這些崗哨或許能暫時把沾染擋在外面,但在一個即將被比特媒體籠罩的世界中,這一切都將失去作用。

Because the us financial infrastructure was robust enough to cope , there was no contagion in hong kong or elsewhere 由于美國具備穩健的金融基礎設施,能應付恐怖襲擊造成的破壞,因此并未產生連鎖效應,對香港或其他地區帶來影響。

Tuberculosis is contagion , it basically is to pass small drop ( cough , sneeze , loud conversation ) will infect , 5 danger is in rice 肺結核是傳染病,它主要是通過微滴(咳嗽、打噴嚏、大聲說話等)來傳染,五米之內是危險的。

Should the tidings ever reach them , and for the companions of her unspotted life , there remained nothing but the contagion of her 若是這些浪潮傳到她的親屬或是她身無暇疵時代的同伴那里,除去染上她的恥辱之外,別無其它!

Contagion is by some kind of special pathogen ( wait like bacterium , virus , helminth ) what cause , the disease that has infectivity 傳染病是由某種非凡的病原體(如細菌、病毒、寄生蟲等)所引起的、具有傳染性的疾病。

D increased disclosure and transparency should help to reduce market uncertainty , thereby limiting the risk of unwarranted contagion D提高披露資料要求及透明度應有助于減少市場不明朗因素,以免無端受到牽連。

As i argued earlier , interdependence is synonymous with the transmission of financial shocks , particularly financial contagion 正如我較早前提出,相互倚賴與金融震蕩的傳遞,特別是金融連鎖效應其實是同一意義。

A contagion of violence could spill out across the country - and in time the entire region could be drawn into the conflict 暴力活動的病毒可能會外溢到全國各地? ?隨著時間的推移,整個地區都可能會卷入沖突。

Affected by the contagion effects of the regional turbulence , the hong kong dollar came under bouts of speculative attacks since july 受到區內風潮引發的骨牌效應影響,港元自七月初開始屢次受到狙擊。

For example , in the current research , the authors observe strong product contagion effects with lard as a source of contagion 比如,在這次研究中,作者發現豬油作為傳染源會產生強烈的產品傳染效應。

Financial assistance was also needed for the additional reason of containing the contagion within the region and beyond 提供金融援助的另一個原因,是力求制止金融危機在亞洲及其他地區繼續擴散。

Can be opposite wholesome situation is bad the element that causes contagion transmission with the likelihood takes necessary step 可對衛生狀況不良和可能引起傳染病傳播的因素采取必要措施。

What this contagion has shown is that hong kong is ill - prepared to handle a sudden and serious public health incident 是次疫情顯示香港無法應付突然發生和嚴重的公共衛生災難。

The popular process of contagion is by infect a source to transmit way and easy feeling crowd 3 link form 傳染病的流行過程是由傳染源傳播途徑和易感人群三個環節構成的。

It is easy to imagine product contagion occurring between lard and baking pans , muffin papers , and so forth 因此產品傳染很容易在豬油和鍋具等產品之間發生。

Contagion is the answer , just as it was during the asian financial crisis of a decade ago 答案是“傳染效應” ,正如10年前亞洲金融危機期間發生的狀況一樣。

The third chapter discusses the mechanism inherent in the banking crisis contagion 第三章,在銀行作為市場主體的條件下,討論銀行業危機傳染的內在機理。