
contact n.1.接觸;聯系;交涉。2.〔美國〕(有勢力的)熟人;...

contact action

A thermal current flows away from the contact in an identical way . 一股熱流從接觸點以同等方式向外流出去。

Its only contact with reality is through observable quantities . 它與真實唯一的接觸是通過可觀測量實現。

As much as they can, the families avoid contact with the neigbourhood . 各家都盡可能地避免與鄰居接觸。

Which kind of signal is most promising for interstellar contact ? 在星際通訊中,選用哪種信號最有效呢?

It was a further example of his loss of contact with reality . 這是說明他是多么脫離現實的又一個例子。

Were not such contacts between the classes banned here ? 這種地位不平等的來往,在這里不是不許可的么?

For good design, proper contacting of phases is essential . 對好的設計來說,兩相適當的接觸是重要的。

She kept as close as was possible without actual contact with him . 她盡可能靠攏他,卻又不要碰到他。

Goodwin comes in and tells her to contact the local sheriff . 古德溫進屋來叫她去與當地縣長取得聯系。

The liquid surface is not distorted upon contact with the solid . 液體與固體接觸時液體表面不受干擾。

The thickness of this film is very small at the point of contact . 這薄膜的厚度在接觸點非常小。

Farm workers frequently come in contact with these insecticides . 農場工人常常接觸這些殺蟲劑。

The back of the tongue makes contact with the back part of the palate . 舌背和上腭的后部接觸。

He had to contact cowley . 他必須告訴考利。

You know the place well , so you can easily make contacts there . 你地頭熟悉,聯系起來方便。

The root hair cell wall invaginates at the point of contact . 在接觸點上,根毛細胞壁內凹。

We must not forget to open the aperture at the second contact . 在食既時不要忘記放大光圈。

We were not at any point contact with the enemy . 我們在任何一個據點都沒有和敵人發生接觸。

The nearest research obsevatory should be contacted right away . 應立即通知附近的天文臺。