
contabescence n.萎縮;衰萎;【植物;植物學】雄蕊萎縮。


This paper aims to explore systematically some scientific principles of resource - based cities from their formation and development to contabescence or transformation in the context of theories of resource life cycle and sustainable development . it also discusses the scientific issues of connotation , models and transformation mechanism of resource - based cities , makes an integrated assessment on their sustainable and renewable capiabilities of those cities and brings out several measures and policies for the transformation of resource - based cities in china 本論文的研究目的是從資源生命周期理論、可持續發展理論等出發,系統地分析總結資源型城市從形成、發展到衰亡或轉型的整個過程中的科學規律,探索資源型城市功能變化機制的科學問題,科學界定資源型城市內涵和發展或轉型模式,綜合評定資源型城市可持續發展和再生能力,探索我國資源型城市功能轉型機制和發展模式以及各種途徑與對策。

This article is composed by four parts . the foreword introduces simply the process of from establishment to development and contabescence of shanxi bank and the operating and running status . then bring forward the theme of this article that the organizational and managing system was the determinant factors of the prosperity and decline of shanxi bank and its experiences and lessons lend a helping hand to the enterprises of our time . the first part mainly tells of the organizational system and managing mode which drove the development and prosperity of shanxi bank , i t was consisted of the organizing system of the ownership departing from the power of management , and the capital frame of composing by the yin - share and manpower - share , and the human resources management system including high - level various and with elasticity distributing system and strict managing system , and the rigorous mamaging system and flexible running frame , and the enterprise culture of combining tigtly with the ru culture 組織制度方面,主要通過對票號所有權與經營權相分離的組織制度的研究,總結其對票號發展所起到的重要作用;資本構成方面,主要對票號銀股、身股并重的資本構成,特別是票號實行的頂身股制度進行研究,總結其對員工所形成的有效激勵作用;用人體制方面,主要從激勵和約束兩個方面分別進行研究,一方面是票號分配體制的高水平、多樣化、富于彈性,對票號員工形成了有效的激勵作用,另一方面是嚴格的人員選拔、培養、任用以及監督、獎罰等管理制度,對票號員工形成了有效的約束作用;管理制度和經營體制方面,主要通過對票號各類號規進行分類研究,分別從管理制度和經營體制兩類內容來著手,總結票號管理制度的健全和經營體制的靈活對票號業務發展所起到的重要作用;企業文化理念方面,分別從員工教育和儒商融會兩方面進行研究,總結票號對員工道德教育的重視給票號帶來的良好企業風尚以及儒商融會理念使票號在經營方面更加成熟穩健、注重企業長遠利益。

This paper puts forward a hypothesis that sperm will consume energy while entering into ovum to explain the contabescence of the sperm 本義提出了粉廠入卵凡能們說,以如釋多余入如精廠火i山冰k 。