
consumptive adj.1.消費的;消耗性的。2.癆[結核]病的。短語和...

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Its accuracy of the temperature measurement is identical with that of the consumptive thermocouple . it can totally take place of the consumptive thermocouple 它的測溫精度與消耗型熱電偶相同,完全可以取代目前使用的消耗型熱電偶測溫的方法。

He had himself a daughter about her age , but whose life was one continued source of anxiety and fear to him from her mother having been consumptive 他自己也有一個年和她相仿佛的女兒,他的妻子是患肺病死的,因此他終生都在不斷地為女兒擔心。

Suppose he was consumptive . time someone thought about it instead of gassing about the what was it the pensive bosom of the silver effulgence 現在該是考慮這些的時候了,而別去寫什么“憂郁多思的胸脯閃著銀白色光輝” 105這類的空話了。

The consumption tax is recovered to be paid by consumers themselves in consumptive field , instead of being paid by the corporations in production chain 消費稅在生產環節由企業代繳復原為在流通領內容摘要域由消費者個人繳納。

Can undertake to operator extensive , necessary supervise with effective society , can try to guide to the consumptive behavior of consumer 可以對經營者進行廣泛的、必要的和有效的社會監督,可以對消費者的消費行為加以引導。

Article 23 the cost of a consumptive biological asset shall , at the time of harvest or sale , be carried over in accordance with its book value 第二十三條對于消耗性生物資產,應當在收獲或出售時,按照其賬面價值結轉成本。

Emphasize on the application of data mining technology in credit assessment , customers and merchants value partition , customers consumptive preference 主要是信用卡信用評估、客戶價值的區分和客戶消費偏好中的一些應用。

In the era of experience economy , a new consumptive demand appears - experience demand , is causing more and more attention from enterprises 摘要體驗經濟時代下,一種新的消費需求體驗需求,正在引起越來越多企業的關注。

Building socialistic new countryside has provided with new opportunities for further exploit the consumptive market of the village 摘要建設社會主義新農村為企業進一步開發農村消費市場提供了新的契機。

Turn zhang card is real time buckle zhang borrow write down card , have turn zhang computation , access cash and consumptive function 轉賬卡是實時扣賬的借記卡,具有轉賬計算、存取現金和消費功能。

Now , the consumptive optical fiber radiation thermometer is a new method for the temperature measurement of the molten metal 現在,開發的消耗型光纖高溫計是一種全新的測量熔融金屬溫度的方法。

Clinical use a variety of short distance to fight consumptive disease to treat plan , the western medicine in applying treats tuberculosis 臨床采用多種短程抗癆治療方案,運用中西藥治療肺結核。

Living in a bogswamp , eating cheap food and the streets paved with dust , horsedung and consumptives spits 咱們住在潮濕的沼澤地里,吃的是廉價食品,街上滿是灰塵馬糞和肺病患者吐的痰。 ”

Daily taste , lure randan and style patch - up - the literary asethetic characteristics and functional contravention in the consumptive times 消費主義時代的文藝審美特征及其功能悖論

Establishing a distribution style of personal consumptive goods that suits the development of socialist market economy 建立與社會主義市場經濟相適應的個人消費品的分配方式

The idle power of windows pcs can be exploited to help linux machines running cpu - consumptive program Windows pc的空閑能力可以用來幫助linux機器運行非常消耗cpu的程序。

Specific borrow write down card and credit card which good with , want to see consumptive concept of the individual 具體借記卡和信用卡哪個好用,要看個人的消費理念。

Adopt the low consumption device , with strong anti - interference ability . power consumptive is smaller than tiles 采用低功耗器件,耗電小于瓦,抗干擾能力強。

Some proteins in muscles are also used for emergency when in hunger or in consumptive diseases 肌肉中一些蛋白質在饑餓時及消耗性疾患中,也被動用以應急需。