
consumption n.1.消費(量);消盡,消耗,滅絕。2.【醫學】結核病...


It suggested a consumption too great of a vitality which, to judge from her figure and stature, was already too little . 這說明體力消耗得過多了,從她的體形和身材來看,她的精力本來就是極為有限的。

Rather than being depleted, world oil reserves have continuously increased under the stimulus of increasing oil consumption . 在日益增長的石油消費刺激下,世界石油蘊藏量持續增加,而并非日見枯竭。

But, given the very different distribution of this income, significant differences in production and consumption patterns ensued . 但由于極不相同的分配狀況,導致了生產和消費的格局具有重大差別。

It suggested a consumption too great of a vitality which, to judge from her figure and stature, was already too little . 這說明體力消耗得過多了,從她的體形和身材來看,她的精力本來就是極有限的。

In figure 8-14 we show variations over time in the ratio of consumption to disposable personal income . 在圖8-14中,我們用各個時期中消費對可支配的個人收入的比率來表示這兩個變量之間的關系。

Even with necessities, differences in taste and patterns of consumption lead to variance in the price structure . 甚至就生活必需品而言,消費品的味和方式上的不同會導致價格結構上的差異。

An additional benefit resulting out of sodium hydroxide recovery is the decrease in consumption of alum at the treatment plant . 回收氫氧化鈉的另一好處,是降低了處理廠的鋁鹽消耗量。

Even given adequate fuel, the current rate of increase of energy consumption cannot continue for much longer . 即使有充足的燃料,像目前這樣增長的能量消耗率也是不能維持很長時間的。

Such processes add significantly to the cost of producing the fuel oil in both monetary and energy consumption terms . 這些工藝裝置既花錢又消耗能源,從而大大增加了燃料油的成本。

High levels of organic compounds will frequently promote foaming, leading to high consumption of antifoam reagents . 有機化合物的含量高常常促使生成泡沫,導致消泡劑的耗量增多。

These changes of structure of consumption and trade have been heavily influenced by pricing and trade policies . 消費和貿易結構的這些變化是受定價和貿易政策的重大影響的。

If shops do not invoice purchases, then actual consumption will be higher than registered consumption, 假如各商店不開購貨發票,那么實際消費就會高于登記的消費。i

This view of the determinants of consumption was detailed in the general theory by keynes . 凱恩斯在《通論》中對于決定消費支出的因素的這個觀點作了詳細論述。

The corollary of this concept is that the consumption of merit bads should be discouraged . 這個概念的推論是主張對“有價值的壞商品”的消費應加以限制。

Oil's share of world energy consumption rose from 29 percent to 46 percent over the same period . 石油占世界能源消耗的比重在這個時期從29上升到46。

Ideally, the discount rate represents the premium that the society puts on present consumption . 從理論上說,這種貼現率代表著社會對現在消費的貼水。

We shall do so in order to focus on the aggregate production and consumption of nations . 我們將這樣做,以便把注意力集中在各國的總生產和總消費上。

Principal application of reverse osmosis has been in desalting brackish waters for domestic consumption . 反滲透主要應用于生活用含鹽水的脫鹽。

Fertilizer consumption rose from 0. 76 million tons in 1966 to 2. 38 million tons in 1972 . 化肥消費量從1966年的76萬噸增加到1972年的238萬噸。