
consummate vt.使圓滿;作成,完成;使(幸福等)達到頂點。 con...


Query independent director institution and consummate companies supervisory 獨立董事制度質疑與公司監控機制的完善

Aluminum - framed arc doors inlay coffee acrylic sheet by consummate craft 弧形鋁框門鑲嵌咖啡色亞克力,工藝精湛。

A few opinions on consummating criminal compensation institution of our country 完善我國刑事賠償制度的法律思考

We consummated the marriage , remember 你想反悔?

Some ideas on consummating the supervision legislation for foreign - owned banks 兼談外資銀行的發展現狀及特點

The hot topic recently is to consummate the state indemnity system 完善國家賠償制度是近年來的一個熱門話題。

The scale of our company is expanding and the service is consummating 使公司的規模和業務進一步完善和壯大。

On the countermeasure of consummating the accounting limitations in universities 完善高校會計核算工作之對策

She is a consummate artist 她是個技藝高超的藝術家。

Her fencing is very consummating 她的劍術非常精湛。

Some issues in consummating legislation of mining industry in china 完善我國礦業立法應突出解決的幾個問題

Advanced equipment consummate craft 先進的設備精湛的工藝

Thoughts on consummating internal auditing consults of quoted companies 完善上市公司內部控制評價的思考

Consummating the report system for an outbreak of public health affairs 完善突發公共衛生事件報告網絡

Probe into consummating audit management of railway settlement center 完善鐵道結算中心稽核管理的探討

Her happiness was consummated when her father took her to paris 她父親帶她去巴黎,她的幸福達至極點。

To consummate hazardous substances management for aviation safety 危險物品航空安全運輸的管理體制

Consummate housing accumulation fund system 完善住房公積金制度

Establishing and consummating the legal system of market credit 論建立和完善市場經濟信用法律制度