
consumerism n.1.保護用戶[消費者]利益主義。2.【經濟學】消費主...


This is due partly to the rise of the so - called green consumerism in overseas market . increasingly , consumers are buying products with green attributes amid increasing concerns on the environment 隨著環境問題日受關注,消費者亦傾向購買具有環保元素的產品。另一方面,與環保有關的監管規定日益嚴格,亦驅使香港公司生產綠色產品。

Surely not consumerism , she didn t have anything but her robe . surely not celebrity - ism , she became a celebrity herself . surely she wasn t just a branding label to sell property over the internet 肯定不是消費主義,除了身穿的袍子外,她一無所有肯定不是名流主義,她自己就是一位名人肯定她不是一個品牌,在互聯網上推銷貧窮。

Consumerism defines our age . but as climate change takes hold , we can ' t continue to exploit the earth ' s resources , with no thought to tomorrow . how can we achieve more with less 消費主義界定了我們的時代。但是,隨著氣候變化成為定局,我們不能再不顧明天地肆意開發地球資源。我們如何才能做到事半功倍?

The body narrative of new metropolis novels ' has embodied two tendencies , anti - intellectualism and hedonism under the common function of consumerism and mass culture since 1990 ' s 摘要1990年代以來,在消費主義和大眾文化的共同作用下,新都市小說的身體敘事表現出反智主義和享樂主義的傾向。

Downshifting ? also known in america as “ voluntary simplicity “ ? has , ironically , even bred a new area of what might be termed anti - consumerism 頗具諷刺意義的是,追求比較悠閑的生活? ?在美國還被稱為“自愿簡樸” ? ?竟然孕育了一個全新的領域,或許可被定名為“反消費主義” 。

And there is a rising clamour for bans on marketing to children , much of it driven by fears that they are being brainwashed into consumerism from birth 此外,嚴禁向兒童進行推銷的呼聲也越來越高,這主要是`擔心兒童自出生起就受到消費主義思想的灌輸。

In mass consumption society , we should abandon leisure consumerism and establish the scientific leisure values in order to promote human full - scale development 在當今消費社會中,我們應該摒棄休閑消費主義,確立科學休閑價值觀,促進人的全面發展。

In today ' s china , with the continuous “ blindness “ of consumers , the films and tv plays with historical consumerism have obviously become commonplace 摘要中國當下,伴隨著消費對象的不斷“越界” ,歷史消費主義影視思潮呈現出日漸明顯的泛化態勢。

“ consumerism as a term is no longer seen as a bad word and the acquisition of material things is no longer seen as going against indian traits . “消費主義作為一個術語已經不再是一個壞詞眼,獲取物質也不再認為是與印度特征背道而馳的。 ”

Such a life involves an amazement at the shallow consumerism passing for happiness , all the while dealing with aloneness but not loneliness 與淺薄的實用主義和享樂主義相比,這樣的生活方式無異于驚世駭俗:從來獨處卻從不孤獨。

“ a tale of three logos : the swoosh , the shell , the arches conclusion , consumerism versus citizenship . “ chapter 16 in no logo 三個品牌的故事飛揚符號、貝殼、黃金拱形,消費者主義對抗國家公民,摘自《無品牌》第十六章。

Based on the mission of quality first , credit first & consumerism , we set up a good image and record in old and new customers 公司本著“質量第一、信譽第一、用戶至上”的原則,已在新老客戶中樹立了良好的企業形象和信譽。

The idea of “ green consumerism “ can play a vital role in initiating genuine concern among the general public about nature and the environment 如何開啟一般民眾對大自然環境的真心關懷,綠色消費可以扮演重要的推手。

The basic hypothesis of this dissertation is that in the 1920s and 1930s there was already a consumerism ideology among the citizens 本文的基本假設是: 1920 ? 1930年代,在上海市民中開始出現了一種消費主義意識形態。

Moscow glistens with the bright lights of consumerism and russian companies continue to queue up to list their shares on the london stock exchange 消費主義在莫斯科熠熠生輝,俄國企業競相爭取在倫敦證券交易所上市。

No matter what happens to the films and tv plays with historical consumerism , the unchanged formula is “ clearing - and - establishment “ 無論歷史消費主義影視劇走著怎樣的路線,始終不變的是“消解確立”模式。

Beneath the quirkiness , however , lies a clear - eyed account of consumerism gone loopy amid constantly thwarted emotional self - contentment 艾格曼寫母女情別有一手,乍看輕松疏離,其實是杯加了糖的特濃咖啡。

The “ distinction “ nature of youth culture decides its co - operation with consumerism in the context of a consumer society 摘要青年文化的“差異”特征決定了其在消費社會中與消費主義的共謀。

Instead the atmosphere , on the streets and in the bars was a sort of greedy get - it - while - you - can consumerism 相反,在街道上,在酒吧里,到處都是貪婪的及時行樂的消費主義。